Killzone Wiki

Avenger Convoy was a ISA Marine unit led by Captain Jason Narville that participated in Operation Archangel.


During the invasion of Helghan, Avenger Convoy served as the spearhead of Battle Group Mandrake as they lead in the advance in Pyrrhus City. Avenger Convoy suffered high casualty rates from Helghast forces led by Colonel Mael Radec. Despite fierce Helghast resistance, with the aid of Alpha Squad, Avenger Convoy succeeded in capturing Visari Square and Salamun Bridge, allowing ISA forces to cross the Corinth River and made their way for Visari Palace. However, their advance was brutally halted when Radec activated a hidden network of Arc Towers that killed hundreds of ISA troops.

Avenger Convoy was spared from the detonation of the nuclear weapon Red Dust that killed a large majority of the ISA forces in the city, as they were conducting rescue operations in the Helghan desert wastes. The survivors of Avenger Convoy rallied under Narville to launch a desperate offensive on Visari Palace.



  • Being at the tip of spear of the invasion of Helghan, Avenger Convoy is at all the key moments of Killzone 2 including: Visari Square, Salamun bridge, Salamun District, Radec Academy, and Visari's Palace.
  • Avenger Convoy was first seen with Punisher Convoy in Corinth River.