Killzone Wiki

"You aim to kill/we aim to help."
―Store's tagline.[src]

Blackjack Armories are vendors owned by Blackjack featured in Killzone: Mercenary. They contain a surplus of supplies, and are used primarily by mercenaries, specifically the Phantom Talon Corp. They are best known as the only place to purchase a VAN-Guard.

Primary Weapons[]


Name Image Cost Description
M82 Assault Rifle Blackjack M82 0 Powerful and effective at all ranges. Fitted with a green dot sight for enhanced target acquisition.
StA-52SE Assault Rifle Blackjack STA52SE 9000 A high rate of fire and large clip size give the advantage when facing multiple targets. Fitted with a silencer and red dot sight.
StA-14 Rifle Blackjack STA14 5200 Ideal for mid to long-range encounters due to optical sight and high damage output. The semi-automatic action limits its fire rate.

Light Machine Guns[]

Name Image Cost Description
StA-3 LMG Blackjack STA3 8500 Designed for long distance suppression, this weapon features an optical scope and low recoil, making it ideal for picking off advancing troops.
M224-A1 LMG Blackjack M224 8500 A very large magazine, coupled with armour piercing rounds, make this the ideal weapon to suppress enemy troops. Its size reduces movement and reload speeds.

Sniper Rifles[]

Name Image Cost Description
M33 Sniper Rifle Blackjack M38 10000 Ideal for long range covert encounters due to the fitted silencer. Relatively low damage means headshots are required for reliable one-hit-kills.
VC32 Sniper Rifle Blackjack VC32 6100 A low fire rate and significant recoil are offset by consistent one-hit-kills.
M42 Sniper Rifle Blackjack M42 5200 Fires very powerful armour piercing rounds; guaranteeing a one-hit-kill on all but the toughest of enemies. Requires reloading after each shot fired.
VC39 Accelerator Rifle Blackjack VC39 15000 Requires charging by holding down the trigger, before delivering a devastating burst of three explosive rounds on release.

Submachine Guns[]

Name Image Cost Description
M66 Blackjack M66 5100 This weapon excels in covert operations due to its silencer and potential to kill in a single burst. Targeting is enhanced by a green dot sight.
LS57 Submachine Gun Blackjack LS57 3900 High damage and fire rate, coupled with significant recoil and a small mag size result in a weapon specialising in fast paced, close-range combat.
StA-11 Submachine Gun Blackjack STA11 6000 A solid performer in close to mid-range encounters, this gun features moderate fire rate, recoil, mag size, and damage output.
StA-7 Submachine Gun Blackjack STA7 4600 The low recoil, red dot sight, silencer, and high rate of fire make this an ideal weapon for covert infiltration missions.

Secondary Weapons[]


Name Image Cost Description
StA-18SE Silenced Pistol Blackjack STA18SE 0 The silenced version of the StA-18. Has reduced effectiveness in mid to long-range engagements, but is ideal for close-range covert encounters.
StA-18 Pistol Blackjack STA18 4000 A reliable side arm featuring a large clip size and good damage over range.
M4 Revolver Blackjack M4 4900 Devastating close range damage coupled with armour piercing rounds. High levels of recoil and six shots per reload demand user accuracy.
M2 Tranquilizer Pistol M2 Tranquilizer 9500 This non-lethal pistol fires toxin-laced darts. Enemy targets will be incapacitated for a short time, creating opportunities for interrogation.


Name Image Cost Description
LS13 Shotgun Blackjack LS13 4500 A powerful shotgun with excellent damage out to mid-range, tempered by a low fire rate. Can be reloaded shell-by-shell.
VC8 Shotgun Pistol Blackjack VC8 5900 Deadly at close-range and featuring the mobility of the handgun class, this weapon is ideal for 'run-and-gun' combat. Requires frequent reloading.
LS18 Shredder Shotgun LS-18 6000 Full auto action with armour piercing rounds make this ideal for dealing with multiple enemies at close ranges.
StA-12 Inferno Shotgun Blackjack STA12 9100 Specialist shotgun that when accurately fired can ignite enemies. Small magazine capacity results in frequent reloads and low levels of reserve ammo.


Name Image Cost Description
M80 Rocket Launcher Blackjack M80 9400 Single shot launcher requiring that a target lock-on be acquired before firing. Excels at destroying enemy drones and air support.
M327 Grenade Launcher Blackjack M327 4300 Fires frag grenades in an arc trajectory. Ideal for attacking entrenched positions and enemies at awkward elevations.
VC9 Rocket Launcher Blackjack VC9 5100 Single shot launcher firing high damage explosive rockets. Free firing (does not require lock-on).
VC11 Launcher Blackjack VC11 8250 The VC11 fires air-burst shells, designed to clear entrenched enemy positions. When firing, ensure there is sufficient overhead clearance.



Name Image Cost Description
M194 Frag Blackjack FragGrenade 3000 Disperses deadly shrapnel over a wide explosion radius. Can be cooked to shorten fuse time.
M133 Prox Blackjack ProximityMine 8600 A sticky, proximity triggered explosive that can be easily placed in tactically advantageous positions.
M98 Flash Blackjack FlashGrenade 3200 Emits an intense blinding flash designed to disorientate enemies for a short period of time.
VC-G11 Gas Blackjack ToxicGasGrenade 6600 Releases a lethal concoction of cytotoxic and vesicant chemical warfare agents to produce an area of denial gas cloud.
StA-G2 Pyro Blackjack IncendiaryGrenade 3500 Triggers a thermite chemical reaction, causing a ferocious flash fire over a substantial area. Features remote detonation after deployment.


Armor is a piece of wearable gear that increases the protection of the user, as well as providing any other sort of gameplay benefits.

Name Image Cost Description
Combat Blackjack CombatArmour 0 Basic armor configuration offering good levels of mobility and protection.
Mercenary Blackjack MercenaryArmour 6000 Specialized armor modified to transmit live combat data. Increases the V payment for kills.
Blast Blackjack BlastArmour 6000 High tensile armor providing added protection from explosives and incendiary burns. Reduces the effects of flash grenades and toxic gas.
Ballistic Blackjack BallisticArmour 6000 Ballistic armor significantly reduces impact damage from bullets. Prevents additional damage received from headshots.
Infiltrator Blackjack InfiltrationArmour 6000 Lightweight armor offering mobility and very low noise levels. Ideal for covert operations.
Supply Blackjack SupplyArmour 6000 Dual purpose armor offering increased ammo capacity and an ambient recharge for equipped VAN-Guard systems.


Name Image Cost Description
Mantys Engine Blackjack Mantis 10500 A Remote controlled, covert killing machine. Lightly armoured, but deadly, this small device has free flight capabilities.
Porcupine Blackjack Porcupine 15000 Shoulder mounted homing missile system. Lock on, fire and forget.
Sky Fury Blackjack Ion Cannon 16000 Death from above. Decimate enemy forces from orbit with a series of high-precision particle beam blasts.
Arc Missile Blackjack Arc Missile 8000 Dual function drone can operate as an escort or be fired in direction of facing. Discharges incapacitating, ARC electricity at targets within range.
Ghost Blackjack Ghost Generator 12500 Personal stealth system that effectively cloaks the operator while not engaged in combat.
Vultur Blackjack Vulture 7500 Aerial drone that scans the battlefield and pinpoints the location of enemy targets and equipment on your HUD and radar.
X3-JMR Blackjack Jamming Tower 7500 Deployable electronics jammer. Disables the enemy's comms and equipment, preventing them from calling for support.
Carapace 9000 Protective shield that absorbs damage from virtually any ballistic weapon for a short period of time. Deactivates when returning fire.



  • Special deals on certain supplies happen occasionally. 