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Killzone Wiki

Blake Mitchell was a Vektan engineer working on the ISC Cassandra.


Unlike the other Vektans' contemptible views towards the Helghast, Mitchell was appreciative of the Helghast crew members working on the Cassandra for being hard working and responsible for maintaining the ship, and even commenting that his fellow coworkers could learn more from the Helghast's work ethic.[1]

Unknown to Blake, the Helghast crew members were used as test subjects by Dr. Hillary Massar. Blake began to notice there were less Helghast workers on the ship and thus forcing his men to double their work shifts, which include doing menial work that were previously done by the Helghast. As a result, the ship's maintenance was overstretched in which Blake wanted to complain to someone about this.[1]

Dr. Massar eventually unleashed her virus on the ship's entire crew. Blake himself committed suicide by burning himself to death.[2]

