Killzone Wiki
"The war between the Vektans and the Helghast ended in seconds. They call it The Terracide... A billion lives lost in the petrusite fires that swept Helghan's surface, ... reducing it to nothing more than a lifeless rock. In the days that followed, an uneasy truce was negotiated and a settlement was reached. The survivors were to be given refuge on another world... Vekta, home of those responsible for Helghan's destruction. Half of the planet was given over to the survivors and the Vektans that lived there were forced to leave. This was no longer their home. This was New Helghan."
Echo during the introduction of the game.

The campaign of Killzone Shadow Fall is centered around the events of the Vektan Cold War. Set after the Terracide devastated planet Helghan, the surviving Helghast were given half of Vekta. The protagonist of the game is Lucas Kellan while the antagonists are Vladko Tyran and, to a lesser extend, Jorhan Stahl and Thomas Sinclair.

Campaign Chapters[]

Chapter 1: The Father[]

Set shortly after the Helghast arrival on Vekta, Lucas Kellan and his father Michael Kellan pack their belongings and decide to make the move to the Vektan-held part of Vekta City.

Chapter 2: The Shadow[]

The chapter starts after Kellan's briefing by Sinclair on june 21st 2390, set in a purification plant in the Helghan Sector of Vekta City - near Visari Park. Kellan needs to make his way through the sewers, past security cameras and Security Troopers to receive his OWL and weapons. Kellan needs to find a recon team which went missing near Visari Park. During this chapter, the Tactical Echo is also introduced.

Chapter 3: The Doctor[]

The ISC Cassandra, which has been used for biological research, needs to be destroyed to cover up the research done by the VSA and the head scientist Hillary Massar needs to be caught before she can defect.

Chapter 4: The Patriot[]

Returning to Vekta, Kellan gets caught in the middle of a terrorist attack on the VSA headquarters. Kellan needs to help in killing the terrorists and helping Sinclair to limit the damage.

Chapter 5: The Helghast[]

Kellan is sent out into New Helghan posing as a refugee in an attempt to find Vladko Tyran, who was introduced in the previous chapter and is behind the terrorist attacks of the Black Hand.

Chapter 6: The Agent[]

After finding, and believing to have killed Tyran, Kellan is captured by Helghast forced and interrogated. With the help of Echo, he managed to escape New Helghan and return to Vekta.

Chapter 7: The Handler[]

Having failed to capture Massar during "The Doctor", the VSA have managed to locate her again, now making weapons for the Helghast forces. Sinclair orders Kellan to find and return Massar to VSA control.

Chapter 8: The Dead[]

With Massar having died during the previous mission, Kellan and Echo take matters into their own hands. Free-falling into a long-devastated Helghan in an attempt to find the weapon Massar has been working on and put an end to the threat of war.

Chapter 9: The Destroyer[]

Kellan makes his way through ruined Helghan, fighting Helghan machines and soldiers alike, in order to find Jorhan Stahl, who is leading the preparations for another war. Upon arrival at Stahl, Sinclair shoots both and obtains the weapon.

Chapter 10: The Savior[]

The first and only chapter in which Maya Visari - "Echo" - is the player character. Echo needs to stealthily make her way through Vektan civilians and VSA soldiers in order to assassinate Sinclair during the middle of a speech advocating for war with Helghan.
