Engineer with Sentry Turret
- "Capable of crafting turrets from virtually nothing, hacking into enemy turrets and repairing just about anything, Engineers are capable of jury-rigging a solution to any problem."
- ―Class description[src]
The Engineer is a playable class in Killzone 3's multiplayer. It is carried over from the Engineer class in Killzone 2.

ISA Engineer with LS13 Shotgun
Repair Tool[]
- Repair Tool: Repair damaged or destroyed ammunition dispensers, mounted guns, and automated turrets. Also repair Exoskeletons before they are completely destroyed.
- Repair Tool+: Increases repair speed, allowing the Engineer to build turrets faster, and repair objects more quickly.
- Repair Tool++: Increases repair speed even further. In addition, the Engineer can now hack enemy placed turrets, transferring ownership. Stacks with previous abilities.
Sentry Turret[]
- Sentry Turret: Deploy a machine gun turret that will automatically target and fire at enemies in range.
- Sentry Turret+: Turret's firing rate is increased and can be deployed twice as fast as before.
- Sentry Turret++: Deployed turrets can now track targets faster and are augmented with auto-fire rockets that fire every few seconds.

Engineer with M224-A1 LMG
Engineers are important members of their team, using their repair tool to make ammo boxes for their team, and building turrets to kill enemies and block areas, while using their machine guns to mow down any enemies they encounter. Engineers are most important in objective-based game modes where their turrets allow them to easily hold off enemies, or even hack and take control of enemy turrets.
- Engineers should watch out for Marksmen when repairing or building a turret since they can't move while they're doing it.
- In the campaign, like its Killzone 2 counterpart, the Helghast Engineers actually function as flamethrower units.
- The only differences between them is that the Engeneers does not have the oil tanks in the back and some color changes on the outfit.