Killzone Wiki

"Alpha Squad and what remains of the ISA invasion force are ordered to evacuate Helghan."
―Chapter description

Evacuation Orders is the second level of Killzone 3.


Scolar Visari is dead at the hands of Rico Velasquez and ISA command has ordered all ISA troops to immediately evacuate Helghan. Their extraction point is at the crater created by the Red Dust nuclear weapon set off by Visari. As Captain Jason Narville is coordinating the move to the extraction, his troops are attacked by the Helghast. In the fray, Sev and Rico are separated from the ISA convoy and must fight through the remains of Pyrrhus to rejoin them.

Sev and Rico soon find a small group of ISA troops that were also separated from the main convoy. Attacked by Helghast, Sev and Rico fight with the other ISA troops and manage to get to the surviving vehicles back to the highway and moving to rendezvous with Narville. Along the way, Sev and Rico witness a group of Helghast harvesting green-colored Petrusite from a hole in the ground. Once they rejoin Narville, they are tasked with making their way over a broken bridge to reach the extraction point.



Campaign Levels of Killzone 3
Chapters A New Beginning · Evacuation Orders · Pyrrhus Evac · Six Months On · Icy Incursion · Stahl Arms Infiltration · Scrapyard Shortcut · The Reckoning · Interception