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Vis CareerMedical

The Helghast Field Medic in Killzone 3.

"The Field Medic gives what the battlefield takes away. Life is his to give and take but the truly skilled Field Medic can bring soldiers back from the brink of death to be more effective than they ever were before."
―Class description[src]

The Field Medic is a playable class in the Killzone 3 mutiplayer.



  • Revive: Players are revived with full health and a clip of ammo.
  • Revive+: Mortally wounded players are revived with higher maximum health, two clips of ammo and one explosive.
  • Revive++: Mortally wounded players are revived with higher maximum health, ammunition and grenades.


  • Triage: An aura of health is emitted from the Field Medic, regenerating himself and nearby faction members.
  • Triage+: Deploys a hovering Medi-Droid that will accompany and provide cover for the Field Medic until death.
  • Triage++: If still mortally wounded at the end of the respawn timer, the Field Medic will be given the option to stand back up where he fell with full health and ammunition. This ability can only be used once per life.





  • If a Medi-Droid explodes close enough, the resulting explosion can kill or mortally wound the Field Medic.
  • Be careful when attacking while turning. One could end up destroying their own Medi-Droid.
  • If a Field Medic revives another Field Medic that didn't use Triage++, then they can still use it later.