Killzone Wiki

"Can you hear this thing creaking? It better fucking hold together until we’re off…"
Shawn Natko[src]

The ISA Intruder is a versatile ISA dropship that saw action in the later stages of the Second Extrasolar War. It replaces the ISA VTOL due to being less expensive production costs and having a smaller frame.


The Intruder is a dropship commonly fielded by ISA ground troops. Despite its modularity and good reputation of reliability, it is often disliked by new recruits, often stating that it would break apart in midair. However, it is well-liked by veterans due to its lightweight nature and its speed. It has a small profile and the ability to drop troops on the dime. As a result, the Intruder is perfect for rapid deployment operations, but is fairly fragile, and despite great maneuverability has very limited protection for the exposed troops.

Design Detail[]

The Intruder is essentially a cargo lift platform that has been modified for combat use. Initially it was seen as a way to quickly transport ammunition, supplies and other equipment to soldiers in the field in the heat of battle. Once, a desperate yet enterprising ISA soldier somehow managed to successfully convince an Intruder pilot to transport some of his wounded comrades to safety, and so began its good reputation as a reliable dropship. All versions of the Intruder are also equipped with flares and other forms of countermeasures.

Troop Capacity[]

Instead of the standard infantry bay with troops exiting from a forward or rear door commonly found in many military dropships, the troops resort to riding directly on top of, often in dangerous fashion.The Intruder can carry a total of 10 combat-ready personnel.


The Intruder is commonly equipped with wing-mounted rockets and a chin-mounted autocannon allowing direct-fire support in ground engagements, but is inferior in this role as compared to the Helghast Overlord; with its heavy armor, two VnS-10 Scylla heavy machine guns, and a pair of unguided missile pods. Its main advantage over the dropship however, is its fast speed, its modularity and its versatility, giving it the ability to participate in multiple kinds of ground engagements. Another advantage over the Overlord is that the Intruder uses wheeled skids, allowing it to be moved around with ease while on the ground or when maintenance crews need to move it into hanger bays. Additionally, Intruders can also lean on its passengers for firepower, as while they're exposed, they can use weapons ranging from rifles to miniguns to great effect and with very limited obstruction.

The dropships appear to use anti-gravity and thrust-vectoring (VTOL) technology. They are deployed from ISA Cruisers by way of being dropped from a track, in a similar fashion to the tracks on a roller-coaster drop.  

Service history[]

Intruders participated in the invasion of Helghan in Operation Archangel, in which the dropships deployed thousands of ISA ground troops in Pyrrhus. During the initial invasion, Intruders came under fire from Helghast anti-aircraft weaponry, such as Arc Towers.

The private military company, Phantom Talon Corp, also used Intruders and assisted ISA forces in Operation Archangel. Due to the Intruder's lightweight frame and open, PTC used the dropship for deploying glide-suit equipped soldiers

Following the failure of Operation Archangel, many ISA personnel were left stranded on Helghan. Without any other means of air support, the ISA survivors, such as Rico's Raiders, have taken to carrying miniguns while riding Intruders, for performing more aggressive tactics such as actively hunting Helghast Overlord Dropships, strafing flights and hit-and-run raids.


Concept Art[]

Killzone 2[]

Killzone 3[]

Killzone: Mercenary[]


  • According to Principal Visual Designer Miguel Martinez, the Intruder was based on a combination of the Harrier jet plane, a flatbed trooper transport "seen in war movies a million times," and a flying bedstead.[1]
  • The Intruder's passengers are seen able to breath in the much higher atmosphere of Helghan, which in real-life should not be possible due to not enough oxygen.
  • It's also unknown how the troops are not getting blown away by strong winds since they're not buckled or holding onto anything (this also could be a story error).
  • In an interview, Guerrilla Games stated that they designed the Intruder to be deliberately seemingly unstable rather than provide a proper means of troop transportation.
  • The Intruder may have been named after the Grumman A-6 Intruder, a twin jet-engine, mid-wing attack aircraft.
  • Its role is similar to that of real-life MH-6 Little Bird. Both are small and fast troop transports with little protection for the passengers.
  • The Intruders have no straps available for buckling up, yet in Killzone 2 on the New SunTomas Sevchenko is seen telling Natko to "buckle up" (which could have been a figure of speech).
  • As of Killzone Shadow Fall the Intruder has been replaced by the more sound ISA Dropship.


Vehicles and Bots in the Killzone series
Interplanetary Strategic Alliance
Aerospace craft ISA Cruiser · ISA Dropship · ISA Intruder · ISA VTOL
Land vehicle ISA AAPC · ISA Archer Tank · ISA HAMR IFV · ISA Jeep · ISA Lancer · LS209 Exoskeleton
Marine craft ISA Hovercraft
Drone OWL · Drone
Helghan Empire/New Helghan
Aerospace craft Arc Cruiser (Khage) · Helghast Cruiser · ATAC · Helghast Bomber · Helghast Strike Fighter · Leech Pod · Overlord Dropship · Stinger
Land vehicle Helghast Arc APC · Helghast Hover APC · Helghast Heavy Hovertank · Helghast Light Hover Tank · HGH Tank · Helghast Tracked APC · Ice Saw · Jet Bike · MAWLR · Facility X01
Marine craft Helghast Fast Attack Boat · Helghast Assault Boat · Helghan Embassy Boat
Drone Sentry Bot · Trooper Carrier · Mobile Scan Unit · Walking Attack Drone
United Colonial Army
Aerospace craft UCA Navy Cruiser