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ISA Regulars are the backbone of the ISA Rapid Reaction Forces, making up 75% of any ISA colonies' ground forces.


Regulars are trained to an impressive standard when it comes to defensive operations, however they are severely lacking in offensive capabilities. In either regard, they would certainly be outmatched by UCN troops. The most common weapon used by the Regulars is the M82 Assault Rifle and M4 Semi-Automatic Pistol.

Some Regulars who display strength, courage and duty more so than others, are given special training and become Heavy Weapons Experts - essentially 'Human Tanks'. They are given the heaviest portable weapons available such as the M224-A3 Chain Gun and M404 Missile Launchers and are used as human bulldozers to plough through enemy defences. ISA Regulars are at times called the life blood of the ISA ground forces.[1]

One of the Regulars' standard size units is a division, there is possibly one division per colony, or else it varies depending on funding available in that colony.


As the Regulars make up three quarters of the ISA forces, the Vektan Regulars sustained the brunt of the Helghast invasion and suffered high casualty rates defending the planet during the Second Extrasolar War. A platoon of Regulars, H-Company, was decimated by the Helghast 17th Tank Division. Only H-Company's leader Sergeant Rico Velasquez was the sole survivor.

Colonel Radec The article is a Stub!
"It seems you want this article to be expanded. It will be my pleasure."

Expand the article as well as you can!



ISA: "General Adams, sir! We've got multiple Helghast vessels approaching. What do we do, sir?"
General Adams: "Fire!"
System: "System failure... system failure..."


  1. Killzone game manual