- "The Infiltrator hides in plain sight, using deception to confuse the enemy when going swiftly about his tasks with unprecedented speed and stamina."
- ―Class description[src]
The Infiltrator is a playable class in Killzone 3 multiplayer, and takes over from the Saboteur class in Killzone 2.
- Disguise: Infiltrators can disguise themselves as a member of the opposing faction for a limited time. Any enemies targeting the Infiltrator can see through their disguise.
- Disguise+: In addition to being indefinitely disguised, Infiltrators are undetectable by Engineer Turrets, Sentry Drones and Medi-Droids. Enemies at medium range can see through their disguise.
- Disguise++: Perform melee attacks without breaking disguise. Only close range enemies can see through their disguise. Stacks with previous abilities.
- Survivalist: Increases stamina by 50% and allows the Infiltrator to sprint at faster than normal speeds.
- Survivalist+: Unlimited stamina allows the Infiltrator to sprint indefinitely.
- Survivalist++: 'Use' actions, such as planting and disarming explosives, are completed 50% faster. Stacks with previous abilities.
- This class may be the Marksman's most dangerous enemy. In disguise, you could sneak up and stab him from behind or if at a distance, shoot him with the StA-52SE Assault Rifle or other good range weapons.
- In Killzone 3 Botzone Modes, enemy infiltrators have a few tactics that when spotted and identified, can give them away. These tactics include them being disguised as a class that doesn't usually carry a shotgun, because bot infiltrators will always use shotguns (e.g. Field Medic bots use LS57 SMG's, not shotguns). The next tactic is if they aim at you. This is when you shoot them to see if they will lose the disguise, and also considered to be a 'timed reaction'; either you kill him or he shoots you at point-blank range with a shotgun. Either way, always double-check your friends in the field, as the infiltrator can become a very irritating nuisance to those who are careless.
- When playing as the infiltrator, you usually don't want to hang around the enemy too much, as they will usually find out about you.
- Unlimited sprinting and heightened stamina can be key abilities. It allows the infiltrator to get up in the enemy's face for a melee kill faster than the enemy can react. It also allows the infiltrator to deliver propaganda speakers in an incredibly fast amount of time, and plant D-charges in certain objectives faster than the enemy can set up their defenses.
- The ISA Infiltrator is the only class that doesn't wear a helmet.