A great soldier and one of the best combat leaders in the ISA Marines, Captain Jason Narville was on secondment to the UCA on Earth when the Helghast invasion struck Vekta. Incensed by the attack on his home-world, Narville made it back barely in time for the mopping up on the southern continent. Feeling ashamed at having not been there when his home-world needed him, Narville is determined to show the worth of his training during the invasion of Helghan itself.[1][2]
Operation Archangel[]
During the invasion of Helghan, Narville was the commander of Avenger Convoy that he successfully led in the assault of Pyrrhus. After gaining control of Visari Square with the help of Alpha Squad, however, his forces were repelled by hidden Arc Towers in the city.
After Jan Templar sacrificed the New Sun in disrupting the Arc network, Narville led Avenger Convoy conducting rescue operations in the Maelstra Barrens before reuniting with Alpha Squad and discussed their plans to regroup their forces and make their push into Pyrrhus and take Visari Palace. But his cautious optimism was dashed when the Helghast detonated a nuclear warhead on Pyrrhus and killing most of the ISA forces. Despite the losses, Narville does not admit defeat. Becoming the leading commander of the remaining ISA forces, Narville lead an offensive on the remnants of the Helghast Second Army.
Narville later arrived to Visari Palace too late to find Scolar Visari having been killed by Rico Velasquez which ruined the ISA's plans to take Visari into custody and their chances of winning the war.
Six Months On[]
Following the death of Scolar Visari and the destruction of the ISA fleet supporting Battle Group Mandrake, the entire regimental officer corps of Operation Archangel was wiped out, leaving Narville the sole high-ranking officer of the surviving ISA forces. Narville was left deeply frustrated by the failure of Operation Archangel, in which he directed his ire on Rico Velasquez. Ordered by the ISA High Command to evacuate Helghan, Narville rallied his remaining forces to the few evacuation ships waiting over the crater created by the Red Dust warhead. Unfortunately for Narville, he and his men were left stranded on Helghan after the evacuation ships were shot down by Helghast forces while the remaining ISA ships retreated from the planet.
In the next six months, Narville led the remnants of his forces into hiding in the Kaznan Jungle, in the vicinity of a grounded ISA cruiser where they salvaged the vessel's comms equipment and established an uplink with Earth, while waiting for rescue to come for them.[3] Besides the threat of the Helghast and being marooned on an enemy-held planet, Narville also faced a breakdown of morale amongst his desperate troops, in which he made his best efforts to help his men.
When Narville finally established contact with Earth, he was left in disbelief and anger upon learning that the Vektan colonial government had brokered a peace deal with the Helghan government. Furthermore, Narville was instructed to surrender himself and his men to the Helghast in order to be negotiated in their release as prisoners of war—despite Narville arguing about the Helghast's inhumane treatment on P.O.W.s. Soon after Narville learned the news, Narville's transmission alerted the Helghast to their location and lead to his capture. He was then detained at Stahl Arms Deep South where he was set up to be publicly executed by Jorhan Stahl. Fortunately, Narville was rescued by Tomas Sevchenko and Rico, and assumed command over the remaining ISA troops shortly thereafter.
Narville and his group eventually discovered Stahl's plans to destroy Earth with irradiated Petrusite weaponry in which they embarked on trying to escape Helghan by hijacking a ship from a spaceport and warn Earth about the attack. During the journey, Narville repeatedly clashed with Rico, whom he still had not forgotten over his reckless actions, in which he refused to follow Rico's advice that could jeopardize everyone's safety. Their journey to the spaceport was hindered by a MAWLR walker in which they managed to defeat it, but the battle reduced their numbers to sixty. Narville was left demoralized and even consider of giving up hope of escaping until he was convinced otherwise by Sevchenko, who rallied the ISA remnants to continue their mission to stop Stahl from carrying out his genocide. Narville succeeded in leading his troops in taking over one of Stahl's ships and return to Vekta before Sevchenko destroyed Stahl's flagship with a nuclear missile, which caused the Terracide.
Narville:"Come on, war's not over! Keep it moving!"
(Narville turns to Sev and Garza) Narville:"Good work taking out that Arc Tower. I sent that piece of shrapnel you found to Evelyn Batton. Maybe she can tell us how the damn things work. Right now we need to get that convoy to the bridge in Salamun District. Secure a route to the palace. You two, watch the flank. You've got point with me." Natko:"Looks like your brown nosing paid off, huh Garza!" Narville:"No one called a time out! Move! Move!"
Salamun District[]
Show: Convoy Casualties
Narville:"Keep moving forward! Use your damn covering fire!"
(Narville looks into the distance with binoculars) Narville:"Godamnit! We're getting our asses kicked." \
(Narville sees Radec in charge of the defence) Narville:"Aw shit! Radec! Hey Rico, heads-up, Radec's troops are in the area." Rico:"Mortars! Fall back! Fall back!" Narville:"Incoming!! Get your asses to cover, on the double!" Sev:"Ah, shit...!" Narville:"Get me coordinates on their position."
(Mortars hit, killing a number of ISA soldier and armor) Narville:"Fall back! Get the fuck out of there!"
Show: Impact Site
Narville:"Get a team out there NOW and secure that impact site! Keep those units moving! I wanna knock on Visari's door inside the hour!"
(Narville sees Rico approaching) Rico:"Alpha ready, sir." Narville:"Impressive display taking down that ATAC... Now impress me some more and take point on the convoy."
(Team watches the convoy when a device comes up out of the road) ISA:"Sir, unidentified object at 12 o'clock." ISA 2:"Stop the convoy!" Narville:"Sit-rep lookout... what in hell's going on!?" ISA:"Uh... not sure, sir. Something just came out of the ground..."
(Object keeps rising) ISA 3:"Whoa shit, that thing looks crazy!" ISA 4:"Don't move any closer until command says so!" ISA 5:"Forward units standing by - what are our orders, sir?"
(The device is ready and fires at the convoy, destroying numerous vehicles and killing a number of soldiers) ISA 5:"...some kinda shield...aaaaaaah!" Narville:"Get out of there.....move back! Move back! Go!"
(After the Radec cutscene) Rico:"Alpha-One to command. It's all gone to shit, Colonel."
'Evelyn:"Run those numbers again, we have to be sure..." Templar:"Understood. Evelyn's working on it." Evelyn:"Those pillars... they're powered by the same compound as the arc towers... We've tracked the electrical signature of the pipelines you discovered - to the wastelands. Sattelite scans show some activity around the old refineries." Templar:"I need Alpha on the ground to help take out whatever's powering those defenses. I'm sending Evelyn to help you track down the source." Rico:"Sir." Sev:"Our war just got a whole lot worse, right?" Rico:"...you have no idea."
Maelstra Barrens[]
Show: Ground Zero
Sev:"Mayday, mayday. This is Alpha squad." Rico:"I say we get in there, kill every last one of 'em!" Natko:"Look... We're all hurtin' here, man." Rico:"I don't need you for a fuckin' nursemaid...!" Sev:"Please respond." Rico:"Don't you fuckin' speak for him. I ain't gonna see Jan die for nothin'!" Narville:"Sergeant Sevchenko... that you?" Sev:"Yes, sir." Narville:"The New Sun took down the Petrusite Grid. A lot of the defenses in the city are down, but we don't know for how long. Secure ground zero of the crashsite and await orders." Sev:"Understood. Alpha out."
Show: Nuclear Blast
Narville:"Glad to see you're back in action... ...now we just need to rendezvous our platoons in the city and we're clear to take the palace. I know you guys are pretty down about our friends on the New Sun. But we have to concentrate."
(Nuke goes off) Rico:"He did it. Visari nuked his own damn city..." Natko:"Guess we're the only beachhead left. Shit."
(Narville is talking to ISA marines) Narville:"Where's your goddam C-O? You call yourselves marines!? Get on your feet godammit! All of you! We're not done here!" Rico:"Not like this, man... I'm going after Visari. Not waitin' here for his goddamn army to come finish us off." Natko:"What the fuck. We're screwed either way, right?" Rico:"How about it? Sev?" Sev:"What's left of our forward unit just called in seeing 2 entire regiments of Helghast reinforcements heading our way... Radec's personal guard taking point. Probably pissed off as fuck that their city got destroyed and hell-bent on gutting each and every one of us. So yeah...Natko is right...we're fucked either way. But when has that stopped us before..." Rico:"Alright, let's take it to him..."
Visari's Palace[]
Show: Visari's Arrest
Rico:"Visari!" Sev:"Scolar Visari! Scolar Visari... I'm placing you under arrest under article 27..." Visari:"And who are you, soldier?" Sev:"Sevchenko, Sergeant First Class." Visari:"They send a sergeant to take Visari? Are your commanders really all so afraid?" Sev:"War's over Visari. You lost." Visari:"Really, Sergeant. And who won? The cowards who commanded you and your comrades here to die? The Helghast have lost nothing! We fight for who we are! We wear our wounds like badges of honor. Helghan is ours, and we will die before we'll let it fall to plunderers. That is why your leaders dare not make a martyr of me. Your fleet burned, your friends butchered... And you become a hero for saving my life? Does that sound like a victory to you, Sergeant Sevchenko?" Rico:"Son of a bitch." Sev:"Good men have died, and I'll see you rot in a cell for it! You'll pay for what you've done." Visari:"For giving my people pride, purpose? We have built this great nation from nothing! Take me and Helghan will dissolve into chaos. The ISA war machine powerless against the sheer will of my people. We will choke the streets with our dead before we surrender. Your masters will beg me to restore order! You have not won. You will never!"
(Rico shoots Visari) Sev:"Rico! NO!!" Visari:"Madness... The madness...begins."
(Visari dies and Narville enters the building) Narville:"Sergeant? Sergeant! What happened?" Natko:"Shit... Sev!" Narville:"Godammit!"
(Outside) ISA:"Fuck! Helghast ships! I thought first wave took all of them out." ISA 2:"We're screwed!" ISA 3:"Oh, man! I can't believe this... We need to get the fuck out of here!" ISA 4:"Move out, move out, report to your CO's." ISA 5:"Come on people, let's go, let's go!"
Rico:"Sev! Sev! Are you okay?" Sev:"No, Rico. I am not 'okay'! We had the guy. We had him. And you killed him! You killed Visari!"
(Cuts to Visari's corpse) Narville:"Yes Sir... across the river..." ISA medic:"Clear!" Narville:"Can do. Absolutely. Of course General. Tell me he's doing better than he looks." ISA medic:"I'm calling it. Time of death is 21:20 hours." Narville:"Oh, this is just perfect. Just goddamn perfect. Troops, listen up! We are mobile in five, so pack up your shit. Delta! You know the drill! Hooper, wheels, ASAP. Where the hell are Velasquez and Sevchenko?"
(Cuts back to Sev) Rico:"Look, Sev. I just did what had to be done." Narville:"And I will make damn well sure he gets court-martialed six ways to Sunday for it." Sev:"Captain..." Narville:"Sergeant Sevchenko. Sergeant Velasquez. Command's pulling the plug. They want us to execute an emergency exit scenario. We're pulling every soldier off this planet." Sev:"We're retreating?" Rico:"I ain't leaving. This war isn't even half finished. What is this bullshit?!!" Narville:"Oh, no. This is NOT how this is going to go down. You insubordinate son of a bitch. I should just fast-track that court-martial and have both of you shot. Now, you shut your trap and you listen to me. Is that understood? Is that understood?!" Rico:"Yes, sir..." Narville:"Sergeant Velasquez! Are you too stupid to follow a direct order to shut the fuck up?" Sev:"Captain." Narville:"Okay. Listen up. Intel has an advanced Helghast cruiser fleet zeroing in on our position. The General wants us en route before they show their faces. The best chance we have is to cut through the Visari district and cross the Corinth river. From there it's due East to the extraction point, which is a crater the size of Kansas somewhere underneath that mushroom cloud. We've got one shot at this. So we're doing this strictly by the numbers."
(Hooper arrives with transport) Narville:"Nice job Hooper. We don't have a lot of these babies. But they're our best bet against whatever the Higs are going to put in our way."
(Sounds of lightning) Rico:"What the hell is that?"
(A Helghast cruiser flies overhead, firing at the convoy, killing soldiers and destroying armor) Narville:"We need to Evac NOW! Sev! I need you to carve us a a safe corridor. Move! Move!! Move!!!"
(While driving, Helghast forces attack the evacuating troops) Sev:"FIRE BACK!" Rico:"At WHAT?" Sev:"EVERYTHING!!"
(A Helghast tank shows up) Sev:"Where the hell did THAT come from?!"
(Their vehicle gets pushed off the road, but stops just before it falls off a cliff) Sev:"Yeah." Rico:"Hell yeah."
(Vehicle still falls down) Rico:"Sev! Sev, you okay?" Sev:"Yeah! You see anyone else?" Rico:"Maybe that way..."
Show: Reunited with Narville
Narville:"Verify those coordinates and we'll be fine. You're doing a good job son. Alright, get on it and get back to me. Sevchenko. Glad you could join us. Velasquez." Sev:"Is this everybody?" Narville:"The damn convoy's scattered all down the river. We're pushing through so we can secure the crater for the evac." Sev:"That's not such a good idea. The thinner we spread ourselves out, the easier it'll be for the Helghast to pick us off." Rico:"Yeah, good point. Sir, with all due respect. I'd like to suggest..."
(Rico gets cut off by Narville) Narville:"I think I made it VERY clear that I don't want to hear a SINGLE WORD out of your mouth. Sev, take Velasquez and his mouth out of my face. I need the two of you on point. We're going to use the EXO to clear the route." Sev:"Yes, sir." Narville:"Pick up your feet, people! The closer we are to that crater the closer we are to home." Sev:"Try not to think about it." Narville:"Sev, get that EXO moving!"
Show: Scattered Convoy
Narville:"Yes, sir. Understood. Our cruiser've got company. They're tracking more than a dozen Helghast battleships." Sev:"Twelve?! How long can they hold out?" Narville:"Pray it's long enough... It's gonna be open season on our cruisers if we don't get there in time." Sev:"Sir, the rest of the convoy's scattered all over town." Narville:"I'm fully aware of the location of my troops, sergeant, but we can't afford any more hold-ups. Sevchenko, we need a route to that crater now, or none of us are leaving. You've got the HAMRs. When you see Helghast armor, you punch right into it. We'll ram us a route back home. As long as everyone follows orders, we'll be fine. Let's move like we mean it! Time's running out!"
Show: Arc Cannon Destroyed
Sev:"Head for the extraction point. Rico and I will follow in the HAMRs." Jammer:"We need assistance. I repeat. Mayday. This is Jammer. Over. Can anyone hear us?" Rico:"My name is Sergeant Velasquez. I can hear you. Over." Jammer:"Oh, thank god. We're in quadrant 4-4-1. We've been cut off and need assistance." Rico:"Alright, stay calm, Jammer. Send me your exact coordinates and we'll come get you." Narville:"That's a negative, Velasquez! Jammer, hang tight. Intruders are on their way. You have your orders, Velasquez. Stick to the plan and clear the path to the extraction point. NOW!"
(MAWLR arrives near Sev and Rico, crushing their HAMR and firing at an ISA cruiser) Cruiser ISA:"Dispersive armor is holding." Cruiser Captain:"Captain Narville, we can't hold our position much longer. If you're going to get here, do it fast."
(Back at Sev and Rico) Sev:"We're gonna need new transport. Come on. Get to your evac posts."
Show: Rico's Orders
Jammer:"Captain Narville, this is Jammer. Do you read? Our platoon is pinned down by heavy enemy fire. Captain Narville, we can't stay here. Where are those Intruders?" Narville:"This is Narville. I'm sorry. If they didn't make it... There's no-one else I can send." Rico:"I'll go." Narville:"Velasquez. Stick to your orders!" Rico:"Fuck your orders. I didn't come here to run from the Helghast. I don't leave people behind. Hold on, Jammer. I'm coming." Sev:"Rico...! I get it but we don't have time." Rico:"I gotta do this man. I'll meet you at the extraction point." Sev:"Hell no. I'm with you." Rico:"This was on me buddy. Besides you gotta tell Narville to wait, okay?"
Show: The Evacuation
(MAWLR fires at ISA cruiser) Cruiser Captain:"Damage report." Cruiser ISA:"That last blast took out all electronics on G deck. Rerouting system." Cruiser Captain:"What about the other cruisers?" Cruiser ISA 2:"The Dauntless reports minor damage. And the Arcturus has safely reached orbit." Cruiser Captain:"Thank god. Looks like we're going home."
(MAWLR fires at another ISA cruiser) Cruiser Captain:"Tell Narville he has to move NOW!"
(At the evac site) Narville:"Goddamn, this isn't a drill! Get to your transports! MOVE! Sevchenko! Give me your hand! Where the hell is Rico!?" Sev:"I don't know!"
(Intruder lifts off) Sev:"No, No wait! What about Rico?" Narville:"I'm sorry Sev."
(Back on the ground) Rico:"Hey! Hey, Narville!" Sev:"There's Rico!" Rico:"Hey!!!"
(ISA cruiser crashes down) Rico:"GET TO COVER!NOW!" Narville:"Nearly there! This is Captain Narville contacting all surviving personnel. Retreat to emergency fallback locations. I repeat. Emergency protocol five-niner-echo is in effect. God help us."
Six Months On[]
Show: Hooper's Diet
Narville:"Hey, Hooper. Your friends tell me you're not eating. You got a kid sister back on Vekta, right?" Hooper:"How would you even know that?" Narville:"I've been in touch with Earth Command the past few months, you know that. Traded some favors. A friend of mine snuck through personal messages from home. Remember why you're here and I promise that I'll get you back, Deal?"
(Narville walks off) Narville:"Make sure he eats."
Stahl Arms Infiltration[]
Show: Visari's Revenge
HAZMAT Trooper:"Are you guys the executioners? Right over there." Stahl:"Captain Narville. Do you know who I am?"
(Narville does not answer) Stahl:"Typical."
(Stahl executes a prisoner) Narville:"We are prisoners of war! We have rights! You just violated the Stockholm Treaty!" Stahl:"Stockholm? What planet do you think you're on?"
(Cameras are being turend on) Stahl:"Show time!" Helghast:"We go live in 3, 2..." Stahl:"Good Day my fellow Helghans. I am Jorhan Stahl. This is something of a rarity for me because speeches are not my forte. But honesty is. I believe what I have to say today you will find very refreshing. My father and Visari, both great leaders. They built this country from nothing. Using sharp minds committed to our future. Together they built a nation. Visari gave us purpose and hope. My father's factory gave us the most powerful army... ...the universe has ever known! But our army has failed us! They have allowed themselves to grow fat, lazy and careless. But that... changes today. A time has come for some new fucking management. And I know what this nation needs. And I will cut out this disease of compliance and subjugation. So to honor Visari, tomorrow we launch the greatest military campaign in our history. And to celebrate that I will give you justice... revenge... and the death of his killers!"
(Sev turns on Stahl) Stahl:"What?"
(Sev takes off his helmet) Stahl:"You!" Sev:"Yeah. Me."
(Sev fires at Stahl, but misses, killing some soldiers and destroying the camera) Stahl:"Move!"
(At the Helghast High Council) Orlock:"This is an outrage!"
(Back at Stahl Narville gets untied) Narville:"Rico! You're alive!" Rico:"No thanks to you." Narville:"What!?" Rico:"Go help Sev."
Show: Vekta's White Flag
Narville:"Stay sharp. They're not going to give up the other prisoners withotu a fight." Sev:"Sir. That speech... That didn't sound like they're planning to honour our white flag?" Rico:"Our what?" Sev:"They're up to something. Look, we saw this computer mainframe with..."
(Sev gets cut off by Narville) Narville:"Sevchenko, this is not the time or the place." Rico:"Wait a second. Our white what?" Sev:"Vekta capitulated last night." Narville:"The General ordered the immediate surrender of all ISA forces." Rico:"Surrender?? I gess you were just going to follow those orders?" Narville:"If it meant saving the lives of my men and getting them home... Yes, Sergeant, I would have." Sev:"Respectfully, Sir. But depending on their plans we might not have a home to go back to. I just need a couple of minutes." Narville:"Okay. Make damn sure it's only a couple of minutes. Take Velasquez with you." Sev:"Sorry, man. It slipped my mind."
Show: Escaping Stahl Arms
Narville:"Stay focused! Collect their weapons" Sev:"Captain. We've got a problem."
(After Stahl's cutscene) Sev:"Captain." Narville:"It's not our job to reignite this... war..."
(The Khage passes overhead) Sev:"We don't have to. They're doing it for us." Narville:"Allright. If we're doing this, we need to regroup and plan this out properly. That cruiser is heading to a space port. We commandeer it, then warn Earth. How the fuck are we getting out of here?" Rico:"Jammer! Didn't I order you to get back to camp?" Jammer:"Never follow a bullshit order. You must be Narville." Rico:"Jammer. Get Narville back to his men. We'll stay in radio contact as long as we can."
Show: Approaching the space elevator
Sev:"Captain Narville, this is Sevchenko. Do you read? Over." Rico:"Runnin' out of ice."
(After moving to a small platform) Sev:"Jesus, Rico. Look at all of them. Hang on. Captain Narville, this is Sevchenko. Do you read?" Narville:"Sergeant, finally. I hope you're looking at the sky." Sev:"That's a warp launch." Rico:"A forward scout ship. That means the rest of the fleet launches within the hour. Sev, the invasion's started." Sev:"Captain!" Narville:"We saw it, Sergeant. Let's go people! Sev, if we're gonna get the warning out, we gotta get to the spaceport as fast as we can." Sev:"We gotta move."
Scrapyard Shortcut[]
Show: Petrusite fence
Rico:"There they are." Sev:"Smells like Ozone." Rico:"How can you smell anything?"
(Petrusite fence starts) Rico:"What the fuck!"
(Cuts to the ISA convoy) Narville:"Nobody move! Everyone stand absolutely still. Do not move, soldier." ISA:"What the hell? What's going on? Oh god. I can't do this. I can't do this! I can't do this! I got to get out of here. I got to get out. (Gets hit by Petrusite) No! No, no, NO!" Rico:"Jammer, what's going on?" Jammer:"Sir, we just lost five guys. Narville's gonna hack the fence. Stand by..." Narville:"Alright Hooper. Now, slowly!"
(Cuts back to Rico and Sev) Rico:"We need something faster than this. (Sees scrapyard machine) Or bigger. Jammer, we're making a move on the mobile factory. Can you fly?" Jammer:"Negative. But I can find something else." Rico:"Roger. Meet us at the factory."
The Reckoning[]
Show: Different orders
Rico:"Alright, people. Let's move out. Raiders, I want a full sweep. Kilo protocol." Narville:"Cancel that order, Raiders. This is the Captain. Hold fire and stay in defensive position." Rico:"Narville, that doesn't make sense. We need to--" Narville:"Get me a secure line soldier. (On the secure line) Sergeant, don't you ever question me on an open channel again." Rico:"You want to listen to what I have to say before you say no?" Narville:"Velasquez, apart from being ill-conceived and poorly executed, your plans cost more lives than they save." Rico:"MY plans cost lives? How many people did you -- Look, all I'm saying is we need to scout ahead. Okay?" Narville:"You have your orders sergeant, this is not a discussion." Rico:"Motherfucker!" Sev:"Just let it go, man. Just try and do what he's asking?" Rico:"Sure." Jammer:"What are you thinking?" Rico:"I'm thinking Narville's a fuckin' idiot. I want you on Raider two in case something goes wrong." Jammer:"Yes, sir."
Show: Rico's temper
ISA:"Sir, we've captured a bunker full of Helghast ordnance." Narville:"Leave it. (Sees Sev) You might want to keep your friend on a tighter leash, Sergeant." Sev:"Sir, with all due respect. Rico saved both our lives. We wouldn't be here if it weren't for him."
(MAWLR appears) Narville:"Sev, go! All troops! Proceed to the elevator! Do not engage! I repeat, do not engage!" ISA 2:"What?" Sev:"The weapons bunker. Where is it?" ISA 2:"Follow the trench."
Show: Engaging the MAWLR
Rico:"All right, Raiders. This is Raider Command. Form up on me. We're going in. Hold on, Raiders. Stay in formation. Armor Command, what are your orders? I Repeat. Armor Command, What do you want us to do?" Narville:"God help us... This is Captain Narville. All units pull back immediately! I repeat.. .. all units disengage and fall back to defensive positions." Rico:"Damnit Narville! Take us down. NOW!" Sev:"Sir! There's no time! Forget about trying to get us home. We gotta find a way to stop the fleet from launching." Narville:"This is not the time to question orders, Sergeant." Rico:"What the fuck are you doing?! We're outta time here and you want to fall back and regroup? So we can try again later when the Helghast invasion is over?" Narville:"My priority is the lives of my men. Now get back in position!" Rico:"Or what? Order the attack, you fuckin' coward!" Sev:"Hey! HEY! Both of you, just back off. There are more important things than our men. We can not let the Helghast get to Earth with whatever Stahl's been building in those labs." Narville:"If we go out there we can kiss our asses goodbye. We need to think. There has to be another way." Sev:"Fine. Run. I'm gonna out-flank it." Rico:"On foot?! That's even worse than his idea!" Sev:"You know what? You can either help me or get the hell out of my way." Narville:"Sevchenko, stand down. This gung-ho crap is gonna get us all killed." Sev:"THIS is going to get us all killed. You two are with me." Narville:"I'm holding you responsible for that." Rico:"You do that, but you KNOW he's right. Now help us do our jobs." Narville:"Armored Division, This is Captain Narville. We need to draw its fire. Hit that MAWLR with everything you've got. Everything, you hear?" Rico:"Alright Raiders, this is Raider Command, we're going in hard."
Show: MAWLR destruction
Rico:"That's what I'm talking 'bout! This is it? 60 guys?" ISA:"There are no ships down here. The only way off this planet are those space elevators." Narville:"There's just not enough of us left." Rico:"Look. If we're going down. Let's take as many of these bastards as we can. I want it to mean something." Jammer:"They gotta have communications room up in that station, right?" Narville:"What? Warn Earth?" Rico:"Is that all we can do?" Narville:"You did your best son. We all did. All right, people. Fall in." Sev:"No, no. That's bullshit! Do you realize the odds against us still being here? Right here, right now? None of us should be alive. And that means something. Now listen up! We've all seen what the Helghast do to their prisoners. And if we can save even one person from that... ...but if I'm going down, I want to make sure these bastards remember my fucking name." Rico:"And THAT is why you don't fuck with the ISA!" Narville:"Has a way with words, doesn't he?" Sev:"Which elevator will start you closest to the communication center?" Jammer:"That one." Sev:"Get the warning out. We'll take the other one. Find a way to delay the launch." ISA:"How?" Sev:"Deorbit the space station. Let's move! Jammer's away!" Narville:"Prepare for laser ignition. Good luck people."
Show: Pier 2
Rico:"They're firing on each other." Sev:"Look at that. (Watches the battleships) That's the same type of ship we saw earlier. Did anyone see where those went?" Narville:"The second pier. I like your thinking Sevchenko" Rico:"Jammer, forget the communications room. We need access to those strike ships." Jammer:"Way ahead of you, boss." Narville:"Alright troops. This is our chance. We regroup at Pier 2 and take command of the strike ships... ...it's the only way we can prevent Stahl's ships from reaching Earth. Let's head out! This is it boys."
Killzone 2[]
Killzone 3[]
Narville is voiced by Mikey O'Connor in Killzone 2, and by James Remar in Killzone 3.
In the Killzone 3 multiplayer modes, Narville is the voice for the mission briefing shortly before the mission starts.
Narville is extremely determined to do things his way with protecting the lives of his soldiers as first priority, he regularly turns away suggestions from Sev and especially Rico because he believes that Rico's plans "cost more lives than they save."
On killzone.com, a video of how the designers made the nuclear explosion effect in Killzone 2 was narrated by Narville (Mikey O'Conner). Titled "Anatomy of a Nuclear Explosion", Narville made several jokes about the 1950s and how Killzone is more realistic than other video games.
Narville is shown taking the shot on the TV "Bullet" trailer for Killzone 2.
Narville's fate is unknown. In Killzone Shadow Fall, however, in multiplayer, there is a player icon of him, entitling him as "Jason Narville".