Killzone Wiki

The LS209 Exoskeleton is a bipedal weapon platform which represents the latest in the ISA's development of war machines. It was used by ISA forces in the Second Extrasolar War against the Helghast.


Fast and agile, the ISA Exoskeleton is ideal for providing support for convoys, as it is able to traverse even the most difficult of terrain, as opposed to being confined to established trails and roads. It is equipped with advanced armor plating, and furthermore, it is rugged and reliable enough to withstand the worst of Helghan's electric storms. Despite proving its worth however, the suit itself is just a mass produced prototype.

The prototype in Killzone 3 is the third model type, and the first to be mass produced, as the first two exploded during unmanned testing. Several technicians can be heard discussing the suit's drawbacks and abilities, with the most major drawback being the lifespan of the vehicle, stated to only be capable of usage on Helghan for a few months before breaking down. The pilot is also quite vulnerable due to the fragile glass windshield that seals the cockpit.


The LS209 is armed with a 70mm rocket launcher mounted on the left arm, and a right arm-mounted M224 MOMAG .50 Caliber M224 machine gun.

Killzone 2[]

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"It seems you want this article to be expanded. It will be my pleasure."

Expand the article as well as you can!

Killzone 3[]

The Exoskeleton is first used by Sev and Rico in "Pyrrhus Evac".


The controls for the Exo in multiplayer are identical to those in the campaign. The damage on the heavy machine gun is increased and also remains constant at extreme range. The repair on the Exo is different, as it is only capable of regenerating up to 75% of the total health, once sufficient damage has been sustained to take it below that level.

The Exoskeleton is usable during botzone in the map "Corinth Highway" and "Salamun Market".


Concept Art[]



  • During the mission Evacuation Orders, if you manage to fail the mission numerous times, The exoskeleton that sits back on the bridge glitches out. The pilot will disappear and If you shoot into the cockpit blood will still spawn in. Strangely an ISA mannequin will spawn sitting on top of the exo clipping into it. This model lacks any face and is essentially a floating uniform.
  • Many Exoskeletons can be seen aboard the New Sun.
  • The LS209 is the only vehicle in the Killzone series to have a serial designation.
  • The Exosuit was excluded from Killzone Shadow Fall multiplayer in order to ensure that custom Warzone presets work on all maps.[1]
  • The LS209's designation is maybe a reference to the ED-209 from the 1987 film Robocop. Like the LS209, the ED-209 is an automated bipedal machine that is also depicted to having several performance issues.


Vehicles and Bots in the Killzone series
Interplanetary Strategic Alliance
Aerospace craft ISA Cruiser · ISA Dropship · ISA Intruder · ISA VTOL
Land vehicle ISA AAPC · ISA Archer Tank · ISA HAMR IFV · ISA Jeep · ISA Lancer · LS209 Exoskeleton
Marine craft ISA Hovercraft
Drone OWL · Drone
Helghan Empire/New Helghan
Aerospace craft Arc Cruiser (Khage) · Helghast Cruiser · ATAC · Helghast Bomber · Helghast Strike Fighter · Leech Pod · Overlord Dropship · Stinger
Land vehicle Helghast Arc APC · Helghast Hover APC · Helghast Heavy Hovertank · Helghast Light Hover Tank · HGH Tank · Helghast Tracked APC · Ice Saw · Jet Bike · MAWLR · Facility X01
Marine craft Helghast Fast Attack Boat · Helghast Assault Boat · Helghan Embassy Boat
Drone Sentry Bot · Trooper Carrier · Mobile Scan Unit · Walking Attack Drone
United Colonial Army
Aerospace craft UCA Navy Cruiser