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The M32 Combat Knife is a melee weapon featured in Killzone, Killzone 2, Killzone 3, and Killzone Shadow Fall.

Killzone 2[]

You'll have your trusty Knife with you right from the start of the game. With so many projectile and explosive weapons at your disposal, you might be tempted to overlook the Knife, but you shouldn't. As shown in the damage chart, it is one of the harder-hitting weapons in your arsenal, it doesn't require a reload, and it's fast to execute. The downside is you have to be very close to your opponent in order to use it.

To draw your Knife press →. The initial draw does more than just equip your Knife; it's an attack itself. Upon drawing the weapon, you'll perform 2 slashes - a forehand and a backhand slash. While this may seem a frivolous touch, it is actually a very powerful tool. Should you ever find yourself low on ammo and reloading only to have an enemy rush in, you can quickly press → to draw the Knife and execute the opening attack.

If both slashes connect as your helpless foe rushes in, you'll deal out 110 points worth of damage which is enough to take out most foes on all but the Elite difficulty level. It is also noteworthy to mention that on Elite difficulty some players choose to defeat many of Visari's private guard, including Radec himself, with the combat knife.

Should the enemy survive the attack, all you need to do is rapidly press [R1] after the Knife is drawn to continue dealing out the deadly slashes. This is a very handy quick save technique that you should learn early in the game.

Besides being used in emergencies, you'll find the Knife is a viable primary weapon, especially if you want to R&K a small room or area to completely clear out the enemy. An R&K attack is not only effective at dispatching your foes, but is a very fast way to get through an area.

When approaching the enemy, always aim slightly high towards their head. When close, press [R1] to deliver your slashes. However, don't get too close. You only need to be within arm's length to hit the enemy. Any closer than that, and the enemy can easily slip to your right or left causing you to miss your attack. If this happens, use the Right Stick to quickly adjust the camera in the enemy's direction as you continue to press [R1]. If you're quick, you can often salvage a missed Knife attack as you spin and slash.

It should be noted that the Knife only affects soft targets and will not damage metal objects (tanks, barrels, etc.)

Killzone 3[]

The M32 Combat Knife has a new stab feature using the new brutal melee tactics. When you are within range of an enemy (in campaign mode) you are offered up an (often negligible) L3 button prompt. This will execute a variety of stabs, throat slits, and strikes.

The specific attack used varies depending on your position relative to the enemy, but you have no control whatsoever as to which attack is executed besides a general positioning. The M32 is also used in online multiplayer. Although there are no button prompts there is the same result.

If you are the unfortunate soldier being attacked, the camera switches to a third person point of view. If a teammate intervenes and kills the attacker, the victim soldier will survive the attack unscathed.

Killzone Shadow Fall[]

The M32 Combat Knife reappears in Killzone Shadow Fall. The Combat Knife is used for a short segment of the campaign, but the knife is quickly replaced by more suitable and powerful weapons. Much like in Killzone 3, the Combat Knife is used in Brutal Melee attacks in both the campaign and multiplayer.

For the first time in the Killzone franchise, the Combat Knife can also be thrown. To throw the Combat Knife, the player must first perform a Brutal Melee on an enemy, and if another enemy is within range, they can quickly press R3 to send their blade flying at the enemy's skull.

Unlike the previous games where the Combat Knife was restricted to either the single player mode, or was only seen during Brutal Melee animations such as in Killzone 3, the Combat Knife in Killzone Shadow Fall can be used as a regular weapon in multiplayer mode. To use the knife as a starting weapon, the player have to create a Warzone with all weapons disabled. By doing so, players will enter the match with knives drawn instead of guns, and can proceed to hack each other. Additionally, the Combat Knife is also used whenever the Scout class enters stealth mode, becoming invisible and wielding the knife for a short time.


Killzone Weapons
Side Arms BP-02 Pup · IvP-18 Tropov · M4 · S-FOX · StA-18 Pistol
Assault Rifles M82 · StA-52
Submachine Guns M66-SD SMG
Machine Guns M224-A1 · M224-A3 · StA-3
Shotguns LS13
Launchers BLR-06 Hadra · M327 · M404
Explosives M194 ·
Miscellaneous BDL-23 Dohvat · FSK-7 Fury · M224 MOMAG · Pnv-3 Siska
Killzone 2 Weapons
Side Arms M4 Revolver · StA-18 Pistol
Assault Rifles M82 · StA-14 · StA-52
Submachine Guns StA-11 SMG
Light Machine Guns M224-1A · StA-3 LMG
Sniper Rifles VC32
Shotguns LS13
Launchers M327 · M80 Rocket Launcher · VC9 Rocket Launcher
Explosives M194 · TR-X Teslite · C4 Explosive · D-charge
Miscellaneous Air Support Drone · Emplaced StA-3 Light Machine Gun · Repair Tool · Revive Tool · M32 Combat Knife · M10 AA Cannon · Revive Tool · Spawning Grenade · VC1 Flamethrower · VC5 Arc Rifle · VC21 Boltgun · VC25 AA Cannon
Killzone 3 Weapons
Side Arms M4 Revolver · StA-2 · StA-18 · VC8
Rifles M82 (M82SE) · StA-14 · StA-52 (StA-52SE) · VC32
Submachine Guns LS57 SMG · M66-SD · StA-11 (StA-11SE)
Machine Guns M224-1A · StA-3 LMG
Heavy Weapons StA-5X Arc Cannon · StA-62 Minigun · VC1 Flamethrower · VC21 Boltgun
Shotguns LS13
Launchers M327 · StA-X3 W.A.S.P. · VC9 Rocket Launcher
Explosives M194 · TR-X Teslite · C4 Explosive · D-charge · PXM199
Miscellaneous Emplaced StA-3 · M32 Combat Knife · StA-X6 Jetpack · LS116 Sentry Turret · VC116 Sentry Turret
Killzone Shadow Fall Weapons
Side Arms M6 Punt · LS12 Ripper · StA19 Reigner · VC15 Judaz
Rifles M55 Rumbler · StA59B Pulver · StA409 Keyzer · M82 Assault Rifle · StA-14 Rifle
Submachine Guns StA25 Vlug · LS12 SMG · LS21 Valk · LSR44 Spoor
Light Machine Guns/Special Guns StA4 Stova · PnV06 Voltage · Vns12A Purger · BLR08 Hadra
Sniper Rifles LS70 Fors · StA61 Vultur · StA101 Kameraad
Shotguns LS36 Breacher · VC30 Sickle
Equipment M194 · Laser Tripmine · Limpet Grenade · Petrusite grenade