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"With the addition of a silencer and burst fire mode, the M82SE is perfect for those soldiers looking to operate at the middle distance while still remaining under the radar."
―Weapon description[src]

The M82SE is a assault rifle featured in Killzone 3. It is obtained from the Botzone Arsenal.


The M82SE is a silenced variant of the M82 Assault Rifle in which it is equipped with a suppressor and fires in a 3-round burst instead of full auto. It has a very low upward recoil.


The SE is used by the Medic class. The M82SE's primary role is accurate long range suppression. The addition of the suppressor allows players to be undetected on enemy radar when firing. Furthermore, the weapon serve as an effective ambush tool when used on unsuspecting players.

Due to its slight delay between each burst, players are required to be somewhat more patient when picking their shots and every possible care should be taken to ensure all three rounds land on the target. Even with precise timing, however, the SE can never match the rate of fire of some other weapons.

Killzone 3 Weapons
Side Arms M4 Revolver · StA-2 · StA-18 · VC8
Rifles M82 (M82SE) · StA-14 · StA-52 (StA-52SE) · VC32
Submachine Guns LS57 SMG · M66-SD · StA-11 (StA-11SE)
Machine Guns M224-1A · StA-3 LMG
Heavy Weapons StA-5X Arc Cannon · StA-62 Minigun · VC1 Flamethrower · VC21 Boltgun
Shotguns LS13
Launchers M327 · StA-X3 W.A.S.P. · VC9 Rocket Launcher
Explosives M194 · TR-X Teslite · C4 Explosive · D-charge · PXM199
Miscellaneous Emplaced StA-3 · M32 Combat Knife · StA-X6 Jetpack · LS116 Sentry Turret · VC116 Sentry Turret