Killzone Wiki

The MAWLR (Mounted Artillery Walker/Long Range)[1] is a massive Helghast war machine used by the Helghan Empire during the Second Extrasolar War. It was developed in the laboratories of Scolar Visari.[2]


Less a mech and more akin to a battleship on legs, the MAWLR is perhaps the largest Helghast ground vehicle encountered over the course of the Second Extrasolar War, standing at a height of 280 meters tall. The MAWLR is heavily armored on all sides, and capable of shrugging off even the most powerful attacks. Its construction is also highly durable, and can continue to operate and fire despite taking heavy damage. The only real weakness of its design comes in the form of cooling vents placed to prevent a critical system malfunction via overheating, giving a keen-eyed attacker a chance to damage the machine. Even with the vents destroyed, the main guns can continue to operate for a time thanks to a backup petrusite power supply, and should this likewise be disabled, the MAWLR can still remain mobile and capable of employing its mortars and missile batteries.


Capable of both anti-ground and anti-air operations with a variety of mounted weapons, a single MAWLR is capable of combating entire battalions of enemy forces. Its armament includes the following:

  • A heavy Arc cannon on its port side. Each shot from this weapon projects a powerful, continuous stream of energy for several seconds, and capable of bringing down an ISA Cruiser with multiple blasts.
  • Several autocannons and WASPS embedded into the bow of the machine, each of them capable of destroying heavily armored vehicles like the ISA Archer Tank.
  • A battery of mortars on its dorsal structure for indirect fire.
  • Numerous machine gun turrets dotted all across its superstructure and on the joints of its four legs for point-defense and anti-infantry duties. These can also bring down low-flying aircraft such as ISA Intruders.

Killzone 3[]

Main article: Killzone 3

Several MAWLRs participated in routing ISA forces attempting to flee Helghan during the end of Operation Archangel depicted in "Pyrrhus Evac". The war machines were able to destroy the ISA Cruisers Dauntless and Compulsion, leaving significant portions of the ISA invasion force stranded behind enemy lines and unable to evacuate.

The ISA remnants led by Captain Jason Narville and Tomas Sevchenko came under an attack by a MAWLR during their journey towards the planet's primary orbital elevator. The MAWLR served as the main boss in "The Reckoning". The ISA managed to destroy the MAWLR, but the battle reduced their numbers to sixty men.

Killzone Shadow Fall[]

Main article: Killzone Shadow Fall

Decades after the Second Extrasolar War, the MAWLR is still in full production, secretly built by the Helghast underneath Helghan's surface and prepared to be used in Jorhan Stahl's new war against Vekta. Dozens of MAWLRs participated in defending Stahl's base from ISA forces shortly prior to Stahl activating Dr. Hillary Massar's bio-weapon.


Concept Art[]

Killzone 3[]

Killzone Shadow Fall[]


  • "MAWLR" is a play on the word "mauler". It is never stated in-game what the acronym stands for. However, the novel Killzone: Ascendancy explained that MAWLR stands for Mounted Artillery Walker/Long Range.
  • It is similar, if not through appearance but in role and armament, to the classic All Terrain Armored Transport (AT-AT) from the Star Wars franchise, as both are giant four-legged war machines armed with heavy laser weapons and numerous other weaponry. Also, both are named after military-style acronyms.
  • The MAWLR is also similar to the Goliath from the Resistance series and the Destroyers from the Mass Effect franchise.
  • In the fighting game PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, a MAWLR makes a crossover appearance in the Dojo stage.
  • Though one might assume that the production and deployment of these units would be hindered by their size and accompanying cost, hundreds of them seem to feature in the invasion of Helghan during Killzone Shadow Fall. Their size however means that they are only seen on Helghan.
  • Despite their colossal size and immense weight, the MAWLRs are capable of traversing most forms of terrain and have even been shown to be able to traverse up cliff sides vertically.


  1. Killzone: Ascendancy Part 1, Chapter 10
  2. Killzone: Ascendancy Part 2, Chapter 13
Killzone 3 Enemies
Basic Soldiers Assault Infantry · Advanced Assault Infantry · LMG Trooper · Mounted Gunner
Close Quarters Soldiers Pyro Trooper · Shock Trooper · Elite Shock Trooper · Commando · HAZMAT Trooper · Capture Trooper
Long Range Soldiers Rifleman · Sniper
Specialists Support Trooper · Jetpack Trooper
Bosses Heavy Trooper · ATAC · MAWLR
Vehicles Helghast APC · Arc APC · HGH Tank · Ice Saw · Overlord Dropship · Sentry Bot · Spider Mine · Strike Fighter · Trooper Carrier
Creatures Cadaver Beetle · Helghan Spider · Scorpion Plant · Stinger Plant