Watch out while reading this, or don't at all, until you know what's coming. This article contains heavy spoilers. Read ahead with caution.
Maya Visari, also known by her code name Echo, is the deuteragonist of Killzone Shadow Fall. She is a Helghast half-breed intelligence operative of the New Helghan government and the daughter of Chancellor Hera Visari.
Echo was born Maya Visari to Chancellor Hera Visari, making Maya the granddaughter of the late Scolar Visari, the founder of the Helghan Empire. Her father is thought to be Vektan; though his identity has also yet to be determined.[1] It is currently unknown how many Helghast know of Maya's familial relations, though it's certainly likely that no one from Vekta ever knew it. Not even the VSA special forces had much information on her, other than their intel derogatorily describing Echo as a half-breed.[1]
Little is known of Maya's early life. It is believed that she was housed in a boarding school outside of Vekta City and most likely had limited contact with her mother throughout this period. Maya returned to New Helghan at around the age of sixteen, having acquired considerable firearms and combat training.[1]
Maya was then put to work for Commander Anton Saric as an intelligence operative, with the aim of infiltrating a number of anti-government groups within New Helghan. She is known to be fiercely defensive of her people. The VSA considered Maya to be highly dangerous and wanted for multiple counts of murder and espionage.[1]
Apprehending Massar[]

Echo during the prisoner exchange.
Echo was captured by the ISA and later brought to a prisoner exchange on June 6, 2390; in which she was being exchange for Shadow Marshal Lucas Kellan. But during the release of the prisoners, a firefight erupted. Kellan quickly killed his Helghast escort, but Echo punched him and seized his weapon and trained it on him. However, Echo instead spared Kellan's life and escaped back into the hands of the Helghast.[2]

Echo angrily confronts Lucas Kellan at gunpoint over the Helghast being exploited on the Cassandra.
Echo was later dispatched by her government to the ISC Cassandra to apprehend Dr. Hillary Massar and her bio-tech research. There, she was left deeply disgusted and angered by Massar's inhumane experiments on the Helghast migrant workers that were being used as test subjects. Echo once again confronted Kellan, who was sent to scuttle the Cassandra and also to apprehend Massar, at gunpoint in which she accused him and his people's complicity in Massar's experiments. Echo then escaped with Massar after a brief fight with Kellan. After bringing Massar aboard her ship, the VSA scientist remarked how different Echo was compared to other Helghast and correctly assume that she is a half-breed, stating that Echo's blood is "tainted," and she would gladly test a sample to find what percentage of her genome is Vektan. Unsettled by Massar's comments, Echo angrily ordered her troops to take her away.[3]
Disobeying Chancellor Visari[]

Echo telling Lucas Kellan of her intentions of wanting to end hostilities between the Vektans and the Helghast.
After the Black Hand launched a terrorist attack on Vekta City, Echo feared that another war will erupt between Vektans and Helghast. She later meets Kellan again when he was captured and tortured by the Helghast authority during his undercover mission to find the leader of the Black Hand, Vladko Tyran. She revealed that she means Kellan no harm, instead seeking to end the hostilities, rather than to ignite another war as she told him that the New Helghan government had no involvement in the Black Hand's attack. Echo demanded Kellan to tell her the identity of Tyran's benefactor, in which he informed her that Tyran was working for Jorhan Stahl while also revealing that Massar was building a weapon for Stahl that will kill all humans, including half-breeds.[4]
Before she could talk further, Maya was discovered by Hera Visari, who reprimanded her daughter. Echo expressed her disgust to Hera over her bargain with Stahl and for refusing to punish Massar for her inhumane crimes. An argument ensued between them, in which Echo objected to her mother's claims that her alliance with Stahl was to ensure New Helghan to be in a "position of strength" and the survival of the Helghast, and she even reminds her of her half-breed heritage, stating that she would be killed no matter who is targeted. At this point, Echo pleaded Hera to reconsider her plans with Stahl by calling her "mother," only to have the Chancellor to angrily slap her. Visari was unwilling to listen to Echo and forcibly moved her daughter to somewhere "safe." Echo resisted along the way out, begging her mother not to go along with Stahl's plans but to no avail.[4]
Siding with Lucas Kellan[]
Echo soon decided to disobey her mother to stop Stahl's plans to attack Vekta. She helped Kellan to escape from New Helghan and returned him to the Vektan side of the Wall while showing him the suffering the common Helghast endured under the Vektan sanctions imposed on New Helghan. She also requested Kellan to convince the VSA to stand down their forces.[4] She then traveled to Helghan with the intentions of eliminating Massar and preventing her research from falling into both the Helghast and Vektans. Echo reunited with Kellan in a tense standoff over Massar. Kellan hesitated to shoot Echo, allowing her to kill Massar and the VSA trooper holding her captive. Consequently, Lucas was condemned as a traitor by VSA Director Thomas Sinclair.[5]
Afterwards, Echo questioned Kellan if he knows what he's about to get himself into, to which he responded that Sinclair made his choice, and it's his turn to make his. Echo and Kellan teamed up and traveled to planet Helghan proper to prevent Stahl from unleashing his bioweapon. The two infiltrated Stahl's base, where they fought and defeated Tyran. Echo attempted to interrogate Tyran on how to deactivate Massar's bioweapon, but he refused to budge, instead expressing his contempt for New Helghan's compromises with the Vektan people. Echo then proceeded to execute Tyran by shooting him in the head.[6]

Echo prepares to assassinate Sinclair.
After Kellan failed to convince Sinclair and the rest of the ISA forces to stand down, Echo and Kellan board a dropship to Stahl's base, with Echo remarking on how they are now both outcasts, but that it wasn't a bad thing to have in common. As the ISA began their attack, Stahl activated Massar's weapon upon the ISA and Echo was separated from Kellan in the chaos.[6] Sometime after Stahl was killed, Echo learned about Kellan's death at the hands of Sinclair.
One month later, on August 5, 2390 Echo (under Lucas Kellan's name) infiltrated Vekta City to assassinate Sinclair as he delivered a public speech to call for war against the Helghast. From a vantage point, Echo used a sniper rifle to kill Sinclair, avenging Kellan and preventing another war.[7]
Echo is a half-Vektan, half-Helghast woman in her mid-20s. Her uniform consists of plated gray armor, black straps, navy blue limb guards and sheaths on her arms to hold her knives. Her head and neck are covered by a red cloth reminiscent of the design of Helghast sniper hoods. The Helghast side of her seems to be dominant; she exhibits typical Helghast traits like pale skin and dark lips. Echo's Visari lineage is very apparent in her bright green eyes. Her difficult background as a Helghast agent is evident by the scars on her face and scratches on her armor. The StA-61 rifle is her weapon of choice; when she isn't using it, she keeps it latched onto her back. Though not seen in-game, the box art implies that she has dark brown or black hair.
The daughter of Hera Visari and granddaughter of Scolar Visari, Echo comes from a long line of Helghast aristocrats and politicians. It's currently unknown who her Vektan father is, yet Echo states that she is not ashamed of her hybrid heritage.[4] As the Chancellor's daughter and an elite soldier of the Helghast Intelligence Agency, Echo holds some degree of command.
It's implied that Echo is quite tenacious and passionate, to the point of seeming disobedient and rebellious. This is seen as she argues with her mother, and Lucas remarking that she seems to have a habit of disobeying orders. This could also explain why she's a soldier despite being born into a rich and powerful Helghast family. What drives Echo is her intention to end hostilities on both sides. Her desire for peace is so great that she's willing to trust Lucas Kellan and disobeys her superiors, including her mother.[4]
On top of that, Echo takes huge risks to kill fellow soldiers to allow Kellan to safely escape New Helghan and deliver her message to Sinclair that Vekta needs to stand down.[4] She cares very much for her people and their well-being; she's glad that a Vektan like Lucas gets a glimpse of their lives for a change. She comes to value Kellan's trust and companionship over time; after he dies at the hands of Sinclair, she takes it upon herself to exact justice for his murder.
Echo is an excellent marksman and a proficient hacker. She is also skilled in hand-to-hand combat and wielding knives. Her intimate knowledge of the areas and routes in New Helghan were crucial when helping Lucas escape. She is capable of both marking and sniping with ease. Echo is adept at infiltration using her cloak. It's currently not known if she has the oratory skills and political charisma her mother and grandfather possess.
Chapter 3: The Doctor[]
Show: Massar and Echo |
Massar: "You know you're going to die." |
Show: Echo and Kellan |
Echo: "This...this is what you do. Experimenting on us. You disgust me." |
Show: Massar's capture |
Echo: "Take her to the holding cells." |
Chapter 5: The Helghast[]
Show: Interrogation Room |
Echo: "We haven't got much time. I'm not going to harm you. The attack on Vekta had nothing to do with us. I want to end this. Not start another war. Now tell me who is Tyran working with?" |
Chapter 6: The Agent[]
Show: Escaping New Helghan |
Echo: "Marshal! Can you hear me? Wake up." |
Chapter 7: The Handler[]
Show: The end of Massar |
Kellan: "Woah woah woah, stand down sergeant." |
Chapter 8: The Dead[]
Show: Helghan dive |
Kellan: "Echo, radio check?" |
Show: Gravity wells |
Echo: "Kellan, it had to happen this way. No one could be trusted with Massar still alive. Both sides helped destroy this planet. We cannot let the same happen to Vekta." |
Show: Mobile Scan Unit |
Kellan: "What is that?" |
Show: Tremor |
Echo: "Kellan! Are you okay?" |
Show: Scan Unit destroyed |
Kellan: "They're all down. I'm moving forward." |
Show: Second Tremor |
Echo: "Kellan, you alright?" |
Show: Crash site |
Kellan: "I have a visual on the crash site." |
Show: Tyran visual |
Echo: "I see him. He's leading us right towards the weapon. It's heavily armed. There's no way in unless you disable the Mobile Scan Unit. I'll find another way down. If we flank our approach we stand a better chance of breaking through. If it comes to it, Kellan...the weapon taks priority. We can't let them use it." |
Chapter 9: The Destroyer[]
Show: Base infiltration |
Echo: "I'm going for the entrance. You deal with the Mobile Scan Unit." |
Show: Train ride |
Echo: "You see, Visari has no choice. You have to tell Sinclair to stand down." |
Show: Tyran's death |
Echo: "How do we stop it?! TELL ME!" |
Chapter 3: The Doctor[]
- "The Marshal does not get past here! Understood?"
Chapter 6: The Agent[]
Show: Chapter 6: The Agent |
Chapter 7: The Handler[]
- "Stay on that dropship. We can't afford to lose it if we want to find the weapon."
- "It's hit! They're taking it down. Stay on it. The smoke should make it easy to trace."
- "We've entered Helghan's atmosphere. It's safe to disengage the orbital divers and freefall to the surface."
Chapter 8: The Dead[]
- "10,000 meters. Velocity 102 miles per hour and climbing! Stay clear of the meteor trails -- the dust is superheated."
- "Can you see the dropship?! It should be just ahead of you! Follow its vapor trail!"
- "4,000 meters. You've reached terminal velocity!"
- "Stay close to it. Once we clear the cloud layer -- we'll glide below radar."
- "I'm going through."
- "Now back off and shoot the canister."
- "Follow me up, it won't harm you."
- "We should split up. We'll be harder to track. The dropship's our only lead. Head for the smopke and stay on comms."
- "There has to be another way to disable it... look around and see what you can find."
- "It's damaged! The drill must have caused a power surge when it blew. Find another one!"
- "It'd down! Good work, Kellan! Let's go!"
- "Sometimes I wish people would just forget this ever happened. Instead of pain and guilt...there could be hope."
- "Kellan! I'm just above you! Use the gravity well!"
- "I'll take point."
- "Tremor! Move! Watch for falling debris!"
- "Kellan, heads up!"
- "This place is tearing itself apart."
- "It's landing! It's just past the ridge. Come on!"
Chapter 9: The Destroyer[]
- "System's down. Give me perimeter security while I find a way in."
- "Alright, I'm in. Get over to the entrance -- I'll open the doors."
- "I'll take point. Watch our six. No! The weapon's not here. Tyran must have it. Here. This must be the way through. Gimme a hand with the door release."
- "We can use the shuttle trains. That should get us to where ever he went. Hold the platform. I'll secure the train."
- "Damn it. They're onto us."
- "RPGs! Take cover!"
- "Hostiles inbound! Get to cover!"
- "I need to get into that control room. If I can hack their system -- I might be able to find the location of the weapon."
- "I'm at the control tower. I'm going to hack the entrance door."
- "Hold on... I nearly have it. I'm in!"
- "Kellan, cover my six! I need some time on this."
- "Cover our six!"
- "Data is encrypted. I can't find anything on the weapon!"
- "Set up a base of fire! Cover me while I hack the system!"
- "They're regrouping. Re-attack is on its way... Check your ammo."
- "Here we go!"
- "Grab all the ammo you can. This is not over."
- "Dammit! I'm almost finished. Just hold them for a bit longer!"
- "Board is green. We're in. I've got a feed on their comms. I've got something... It's Tyran. He's moving this way. We can set up an ambush!"
- "I guess we're both outcasts now. Maybe in all this, that's not such a bad thing to have in common."
- "We're coming up to Stahl's base."
- "Stahl's using the weapon."
- "Hang on! I don't have control!"
Chapter 10: The Savior[]
- "For Kellan..."
Concept Art[]
- Echo is voiced and portrayed by Jamie Gray Hyder of True Blood.
- She is the first named half-breed Helghast woman to be shown in the game series so far.
- If Echo is the only child, and the Visari family exercises the same amount of power as they had before the Terracide, then Echo can be considered an heir to the Helghast leadership.
- Echo gets severely reprimanded for calling Hera Visari "Mother," which indicates a tense relationship between the two. However, Hera shows that she does care for her daughter by briefly touching her shoulder in comfort after hitting her. Hera also gets the guards to escort Echo away out of concern for her daughter's safety. Earlier in the game, Sinclair says that the Chancellor expressed great interest in having Echo returned to New Helghan.
- Echo contrasts with her grandfather, Scolar Visari, on many points:
- She wants peace and harmony between the Helghast and Vektans, while Visari made a name for himself by establishing the values, independence and power of the Helghan Empire. Echo wants to bring people together peacefully, while Visari wanted to isolate the Helghast and promote war.
- Echo is generally considered a good person despite the fact she is not above killing. Strangely enough, while Visari was a politician and was never seen killing anyone in combat, he's known to be a barbaric dictator.
- Echo doesn't mind cooperating with a Lucas, a Vektan (as she's part Vektan herself), while Visari resented humanity as a whole.
- Echo gives a voiceover in the opening cinematic of Shadow Fall, much like Visari in the Killzone trilogy.
- She is the first antagonist to turn traitor while becoming an ally.
- Echo is the female portrayed on the game cover, her one blue eye and one red eye shows her allegiance and her origins as a half-breed of both the Vektans and Helghast.
- Echo is the second playable female character in the series, with the first being Shadow Marshal Luger.
- Echo is the second deuteragonist to have killed a main antagonist in the Killzone series instead of the protagonist, the first being Rico Velasquez killing Scolar Visari in Killzone 2.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Dossier: Maya Visari
- ↑ Killzone Shadow Fall, campaign level The Shadow
- ↑ Killzone Shadow Fall, campaign level The Doctor
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Killzone Shadow Fall, campaign level The Agent
- ↑ Killzone Shadow Fall, campaign level The Handler
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 Killzone Shadow Fall, campaign level The Destroyer
- ↑ Killzone Shadow Fall, campaign level The Savior