Killzone Wiki

The Medic is a multiplayer class in Killzone 2.


The Medic class is unlocked at the rank of Master Sergeant. It has two badges, both meant to help team members. A Medic can use the M82 Assault Rifle and StA52 Assault Rifle, along with both pistols.


Name Description
Revive Tool Equipped with a Revive Tool to revive downed allies.
Health Packs Heals the player and their wounded allies. They can be "stolen" by enemy players.



  • In the campaign, Sev uses the Revive Gun to revive his teammates.
  • The ISA medics use the M4 Revolver instead of the M82 rifle.
  • The Helghast medic was not seen in the campaign. They also somewhat resemble the advanced shock troopers in the campaign.
  • The Medical Kit is produced by Visari Corporation, a Helghan company, yet it is used by the ISA's medics, likely due to them scavenging the incredibly useful tools to use instead of their (possibly) less advanced medical equipment.
  • The picture shown above about the Helghast is incorrect in the final game, and is supposed to have a outfit that resembles advanced shock trooper. this model was used in the beta.