Killzone Wiki
Killzone Shadow Fall Scout Class

Scout Class

The Scout class is a multiplayer class in Killzone Shadow Fall.


The Scout is designed to work at extremes of distance - either from very far away, or from very nearby - to catch enemies unaware, biding their time until they see an opportunity to strike. They are helped in this regard by their stealth capabilities through the Cloak ability.


Name Description
Tactical Echo The Tactical Echo ability lets Scout players send out a radar pulse that temporarily highlights all enemy troops and automata within range – even other Scouts using the Cloak ability. This information is then relayed to allied HUDs and radars.
Cloak Acquire invisibility and survey the enemy from a safe distance. You are only allowed to use the knife while cloaked.
Emergency Teleport Based on the same technology that lets Spawn Beacons to teleport troops into battle, the Emergency Teleport ability allows Scout players to teleport to a random part of the map when they run into trouble. However, the teleportation device has a lengthy recharge time.
Stun Drone The Stun Drone ability deploys a flying combat drone that waits in an area until it detects an enemy nearby. When attacking, it flies directly at the enemy and detonates an E-Pulse that temporarily blinds and stuns them.
Guard Drone This drone is just the Buddy Drone from the Assault Class. It fires at any enemies it sees. The difference is that instead of following the player it guards the area it was spawned in.







  • The Scout Class replaces the Marksmen class of Killzone 3