Killzone Wiki
Spawn Grenade

Spawning Grenade is a Primary Badge of the Tactician class in Killzone 2 multiplayer.


A Spawning Grenade provides the ability to place spawn points that can turn the tide of a battle by allowing friendly reinforcements quick entry to the front lines. Spawn Grenades can be thrown much like a Frag Grenade, but nowhere near as far. Once active, a trail of green smoke will appear to signal that the Spawn point belongs to their team. Enemy Spawning Grenade will emit red smoke. If a Spawn Grenade is thrown to a place that is outside the permitted area of the map, players will spawn from the closest valid location. The smoke can be affected by environmental conditions, such as on windy maps which can carry the smoke trail for some distance.

It is possible to dictate the direction players will face when spawning from the Grenade, preventing them appearing into heavy fire from behind. Spawning players will face the opposite direction to that in which the Tactician threw the Spawn Grenade. If thrown on a wall, their teammates will spawn facing away from the wall.


  • A badly placed Spawn Grenade can leave the Tactician's team facing a wall or at the dead end of a corridor when spawning, so always bear the surroundings in mind when using it.
  • Spawning Grenades are essential in game modes such as Capture and Hold, as Tacticians can place a Spawn Grenade near enemy held Capture points, allowing the friendly team to instantly move on that position.
  • Useful in an enemy base in which friendly team mates can spawn right in their base.
  • Can be use as an escape method by respawning friendly team mates at a safer location.