Killzone Wiki

The Spider Mine is an automated area denial device used by the Helghan Empire.


Spider Mines are automated area denial devices that cannot differentiate between friend or foe once its movement sensors have been activated. They were developed from standard landmine technology and are equipped with a tripodal locomotive system. This allows them to actively pursue enemy forces from beyond their deployed position.

Once within 1 meter of the target, the Spider Mine sets off its anti-personnel charge which kills the infantry it was pursuing.

Killzone: Liberation[]

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Killzone 3[]

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Killzone Shadow Fall[]

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Shadow Fall[]


  • The Spider mine concept was most likely based on the Starcraft Vulture unit, which is a hit and run hoverbike that is known for deploying Spider Mines, which chases its targets when within range.
  • The Spider mine concept of the same name was copied in Fallout 3: Operation Anchorage.
Killzone 3 Enemies
Basic Soldiers Assault Infantry Ā· Advanced Assault Infantry Ā· LMG Trooper Ā· Mounted Gunner
Close Quarters Soldiers Pyro Trooper Ā· Shock Trooper Ā· Elite Shock Trooper Ā· Commando Ā· HAZMAT Trooper Ā· Capture Trooper
Long Range Soldiers Rifleman Ā· Sniper
Specialists Support Trooper Ā· Jetpack Trooper
Bosses Heavy Trooper Ā· ATAC Ā· MAWLR
Vehicles Helghast APC Ā· Arc APC Ā· HGH Tank Ā· Ice Saw Ā· Overlord Dropship Ā· Sentry Bot Ā· Spider Mine Ā· Strike Fighter Ā· Trooper Carrier
Creatures Cadaver Beetle Ā· Helghan Spider Ā· Scorpion Plant Ā· Stinger Plant