Killzone Wiki

The StA-X3 W.A.S.P. Launcher is an automatic multi-shot rocket launcher featured in Killzone 3.


The W.A.S.P. can be fired in a burst mode which can be fired several times in its clip or in an artillery mode which depletes the whole clip but does considerably more damage. It can also be mounted or carried separately.


The W.A.S.P. is usually found as a mounted weapon, and sometimes can be found on weapon racks. It is a very effective weapon against enemy vehicles or heavily armored enemies. Large groups of enemy soldiers are also very susceptible to the W.A.S.P.'s artillery strikes. However, the W.A.S.P.'s artillery strikes, due to the rockets coming from above, are ineffective when use inside buildings or when fired into areas with overhead cover.


The W.A.S.P.s only appears as mounted weapons in Corinth Highway. In this map they are extremely useful against enemy Exoskeletons. Primary fire rockets can also be very effective at taking out opponents running across the highway, or operating one of the other mounted W.A.S.P.s.



  • Killing 5 Helghast with the launcher's secondary fire will earn the Excessive Force trophy.
  • The letter "X" in its name might suggest that the weapon is still in its prototype stage, much like the StA-5X. However it's weird that one weapon has the "X" before the number, while the another one has it behind it, although they both are manufactured by the same company, so one would expect they have some order in their weapon designations.
  • In the Helldivers 2 x Killzone 2 crossover, the StA-X3 W.A.S.P. appears in Helldivers 2 to assist with the ongoing Illuminate incursions, being issued by Super Earth High Command.
Killzone 3 Weapons
Side Arms M4 Revolver · StA-2 · StA-18 · VC8
Rifles M82 (M82SE) · StA-14 · StA-52 (StA-52SE) · VC32
Submachine Guns LS57 SMG · M66-SD · StA-11 (StA-11SE)
Machine Guns M224-1A · StA-3 LMG
Heavy Weapons StA-5X Arc Cannon · StA-62 Minigun · VC1 Flamethrower · VC21 Boltgun
Shotguns LS13
Launchers M327 · StA-X3 W.A.S.P. · VC9 Rocket Launcher
Explosives M194 · TR-X Teslite · C4 Explosive · D-charge · PXM199
Miscellaneous Emplaced StA-3 · M32 Combat Knife · StA-X6 Jetpack · LS116 Sentry Turret · VC116 Sentry Turret