Killzone Wiki

"Alpha Rendezvous with Evelyn Batton at an abandoned mining village. They need to use the antennas in order to scan through the highly static storms that rage constantly."
―Chapter description

Suljeva Village is the sixth level of Killzone 2.


In the wastelands, Alpha Squad and Evelyn Batton arrive at a communication outpost in the mining village of Suljeva. They discover the initial ISA scout team had begun setting up a communication link to the New Sun, but stopped halfway. Sev and Rico volunteered to search the scout team and finish establishing the communication link while Alpha stay with Evelyn.

Sev and Rico soon discovers the scout team had been captured and tortured to death by the Helghast. Afterwards, they continue their journey to the antenna. After vanquishing Helghast forces guarding the antenna, they activate the antenna and allowing Evelyn to establish the communication link and scan the wasteland to find the Petrusite source. She discovers hundreds of small Petrusite readings before Rico and Sev lose radio contact with her. Sev and Rico race back to the outpost as Evelyn regains contact and informs them she and the others are being by the Helghast.

Sev and Rico reach the outpost, where they see their team captured and being led away by the Helghast. The two give follow their captive comrades, only to see them being loaded on to a train and carted away. Seeing another train in the station, Sev and Rico battle through Helghast soldiers and hitch a ride on the train, hoping to catch up with their friends.



  • Secure the Village.
  • Activate the antenna.
  • Rendezvous with Alpha Squad.
  • Rescue Alpha Squad.
  • Secure the Train
  • Rescue Alpha Squad.


Main article: Killzone 2 Trophies
  • Suljeva Ribbon - Complete Suljeva Village on any difficulty level.
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Campaign Levels of Killzone 2
Chapters Corinth River · Blood Meridian · Visari Square · Salamun District · Salamun Bridge · Suljeva Village · Tharsis Refinery · The Cruiser · Maelstra Barrens · Visari Palace