Killzone Wiki

The Tactician is a multiplayer class in Killzone 2.


The Tactician class is unlocked at the rank of Major. The main weapons for the Tactician are the M82 & StA52 Assault Rifles, along with a Sidearm.


Name Description
Spawning Grenade Instantly spawn friendlies on location.
Air Support Throwing an Air Support Beacon into an area will summon an Air Support Bot.



The ability to place spawn points can turn the tide of a battle by allowing reinforcements quick entry to the front lines. The spawn points can only be thrown a short distance and players that spawn on them will be facing the opposite direction that it was thrown. If you are facing a wall and you throw the spawn point towards it, your teammates will spawn facing away from the wall. Be careful where you throw your spawn point though as most of the time, enemy soldiers will camp near the spawn point and the whole thing becomes a spawn and die festival. A good tactic to prevent this from happening is to secure the area around the Grenade, then throw it, then wait as more people Spawn from it.

The Air Support Bots is useful for defending a Search and Destroy zone, as it can kill (de)fusers before they can plant/defuse a bomb.


  • In campaign, there are no Tacticians in the battle, but they are always mentioned in battles as CO or squad officers by soldiers.
  • With the exception of the Helmet and the radio (?), ISA Tacticians wear the same uniform as Garza, Natko and Sev.
  • The picture shown above that has the Helghast shown is the medic in the final game. The Helghast tactician in the final game resembles advanced infantry's from campaign. the model shown above was the model in the beta.