Considering as to how Michael was near a Helghast corpse (Thanks Sinclair), is it any wonder why the troopers shot him ? Apart from the fact that Helghast soldiers are almost always trigger happy lunatics with a hatred for the Vektans as large as their ego, I think the thought of seeing one of their own dead, after they had just lost a billion of their own, would make any Helghast shoot on sight a murder suspect. - TheFanofWar40k
Probably. Col Radec (talk) 13:34, November 16, 2013 (UTC)
Ah they are so intellegent the guy had no gun on hand and Sinlcair only killed the firing squad with a knife, I mean shit how stupid are you to see gun shot wounds to the head and consider a guy with a stun gun is the killer. Go team Helghast CSI killing people at random despite the obviousCrimsonFalke (talk) 00:52, January 9, 2014 (UTC)
Dude, their violent in their very nature, already have a chip on their shoulder regarding humanity and just lost their entire planet. If you were in their shoes, would you really need much of an excuse to gun a few of them down?