Killzone Wiki

"Rico and Sev need to search Tharsis Refinery for their kidnapped team mates."
―Chapter description

Tharsis Refinery is the seventh level of Killzone 2.


Sev and Rico fight their way through Helghast soldiers on the train and eventually take control of it. Their train stops at the Tharsis Refinery. The two split up to look for their captive comrades. Rico soon takes control a central control rooms and uses the CCTV system to monitor Sev's progress and guide him to his location. After Sev and Rico reunited, they discover the schematic layout for the Petrusite distribution system. They now know the central location of the Petrusite in which Rico hypothesize that destroying the distribution system will shut down Pyrrhus' defenses.

The two then continue their search for their friends and soon find Colonel Mael Radec interrogating Evelyn and the others. Radec demands Evelyn to give him the launch codes to the stolen Red Dust nuclear weapons that were stolen from the ISA during the invasion of Vekta. Evelyn, who engineered Red Dust, only tells Radec that only Colonel Jan Templar have the codes and that she is unable to help. Unsatisfied, Radec prepares to execute the team. Rico, unwilling to wait for Sev's plan to rescue their friends, impatiently burst in and attacks. This causes a Helghast soldier to shoot and severely wound Garza as Radec and his men escape. Alpha Squad except Garza secure the landing zone but are unable to stop Radec's escape on a dropship. After reestablishing communication with the New Sun and gaining ISA transport, Garza succumbs to his injuries and dies in Sev's arms.



  • Secure the train.
  • Locate Alpha Squad.
  • Rendezvous with Rico.
  • Locate Alpha Squad.
  • Secure the LZ.
  • Secure the Comms Tower.
  • Secure the LZ.


Main article: Killzone 2 Trophies
  • Tharsis Ribbon - Complete Tharsis Refinery on any difficulty level.
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Campaign Levels of Killzone 2
Chapters Corinth River · Blood Meridian · Visari Square · Salamun District · Salamun Bridge · Suljeva Village · Tharsis Refinery · The Cruiser · Maelstra Barrens · Visari Palace