Killzone Wiki

"Garza's funeral is interrupted by a surprise Helghast attack on Colonel Templar's Cruiser Task Force. The crew of the New Sun prepare to defend their ship."
―Chapter description

Cruiser is the eighth level of Killzone 2.


After returning to the New Sun, Garza is mourned by Alpha Squad. Rico attempt to comfort Sev, but the latter angrily blames Rico for Garza's death in which Natko preemptively prevent a potential fight to break out between Sev and Rico. Soon afterwards, the ship comes under attack by the Helghast led by Colonel Mael Radec. Since Evelyn told Radec that only Colonel Jan Templar had the nuclear codes for Red Dust, Radec has decided to invade the New Sun and force Templar to give up the codes. The Helghast use Leech Pods to breach the hull of the New Sun and allowing Helghast to board the ship.

Templar orders Sev to defend the ship long enough for the New Sun to destroy the Petrusite distribution grid. The New Sun sustains massive damage and is eventually compromised. Templar orders everyone to evacuate the New Sun before it goes down while he and Evelyn remains on board to set the ship crashing into the Petrusite grid. Eventually, Templar is confronted by Radec, who demands Templar for the codes. Templar distract Radec to buy Evelyn enough time to delete the launch codes from the ship's computers. But Radec and his men swiftly executes Templar and Evelyn before gaining the codes. Their deaths is witnessed by Sev through a CCTV camera and he informed the tragic news to Alpha, much to Rico's dismay.

After Radec leaves and Alpha Squad evacuates, Templar, mortally wounded, manually sets the New Sun to crash into the Petrusite grid, destroying it and shutting down Pyrrhus's defenses.



  • Report to the bridge.
  • Report to the Gun Deck.
  • Eliminate all Hostiles.
  • Report to the Gun Deck.
  • Man the AA Gun.
  • Evacuate the cruiser.


Main article: Killzone 2 Trophies
  • Cruiser Ribbon - Complete The Cruiser on any difficulty level.
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Campaign Levels of Killzone 2
Chapters Corinth River · Blood Meridian · Visari Square · Salamun District · Salamun Bridge · Suljeva Village · Tharsis Refinery · The Cruiser · Maelstra Barrens · Visari Palace