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"A young Lucas Kellan is safely at home with his father but outside, the world is changing."
―Chapter summary

The Father is the first chapter of Killzone Shadow Fall.


Beginning in the year 2370, several years after the construction of The Wall, during the forced relocation of Vektans out of New Helghan. Michael Kellan and his 5-year-old son, Lucas, are forced to flee their home as Helghast soldiers begin breaking their home's door down. The pair attempt to sneak through New Helghan to The Wall, avoiding encounters with Helghast. Along the way, they cross paths with Thomas Sinclair, an ISA Shadow Marshal, who aids them in making it through to safety.

The group makes it to The Wall. Sinclair scout ahead to check for any dangers while Michael and Lucas wait. But the two are spotted by a drone and they attempt to flee, but only to be confronted by Helghast soldiers. Michael is shot and he pleads the soldiers for mercy, stating they are unarmed and wanting safe passage across The Wall. The soldiers only ignore his pleas and Michael is gunned down in front of Lucas. Sinclair soon returns and quickly dispatches the soldiers. After expressing his dismay for not saving Michael, Sinclair takes Lucas to the Vektan side.

Years later, Lucas enrolls in the Shadow Marshal Academy under the tutelage of Sinclair. Eventually, Lucas becomes a full-fledged Shadow Marshal and working under Sinclair's command.

In 2390, tensions between the Vektans and Helghast have reached a boiling point. Lucas Kellan, who let himself be captured by the Helghast as part of an investigation, is being brought across The Wall as part of a prisoner exchange for a Helghast agent, Echo. Along the way, Anton Saric, head of New Helghan's security forces and one of Kellan's captors, expresses his disgust towards the Vektans, believing it to be an insult to have to share a planet with the people who destroyed Helghan. As the two forces meet for the exchange, a random shot is fired, killing the VSA soldier guarding Echo, immediately followed by a rocked fired between the two sides. Both sides open fire on each other and, in the confusion, Kellan grabs his guard's weapon and kills him, only to be disarmed by Echo. The agent points the gun at Lucas, but decides to spare him and runs towards the New Helghan side, and Kellan is rescued by a VSA soldier soon after that, escaping back to the Vektan side.


Main article: The Father/Transcript


  • The Father - Complete level 'The Father'



Dark trolls

Dark Trolls poster.

Horzon Zero Dawn easter egg

Horizon: Zero Dawn easter egg.

  • There are several easter eggs in Lucas' bedroom:
  • It is unclear who fired the shot and the rocket during the prisoner exchange, causing the firefight between VSA and Helghast forces. It is possible that the Black Hand was behind the attack, since the group has tried for years to exacerbate tensions between Vekta and New Helghan.
Campaign Levels of Killzone Shadow Fall
Chapters The Father · The Shadow · The Doctor · The Patriot · The Helghast · The Agent · The Handler · The Dead · The Destroyer · The Savior