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The Handler is the seventh chapter of Killzone Shadow Fall.


Upon his return, Kellan informs Sinclair of the events in New Helghan and tells him the VSA must stand down. But Sinclair is outraged that Kellan is siding with Echo, and informs him that there is no difference between the Black Hand, Visari, Stahl, and all Helghast - in Sinclair's view, they all mean to destroy the Vektans. He refuses to see the entire Helghast race as "innocent people" and expresses his desire to reclaim Vekta from the Helghast through Dr. Massar's weapon. Despite his anger towards Kellan, Sinclair informs Kellan that from the Black Hand intelligence the VSA received, they have discovered Dr. Massar's location in a mining spire in orbit over planet Helghan. Kellan must infiltrate the spire and find Massar and her weapon. Before Kellan departs, Sinclair urges him not to let Echo get in his way.

Once at the spire, Kellan free-falls down the shaft towards the stations' mainframe and Massar's lab. After fighting his way through numerous soldiers, Kellan arrives at the laboratory, finding only Massar, who states that the weapon is now with Stahl, being prepped for its final test. Sinclair orders Kellan to take Massar to the secondary spire and join an ISA fleet waiting to retake the weapon. Kellan then protects her from security drones from the spire and meet with the ISA team sent to extract them, but are suddenly cornered by a large Helghast force.

After an extended engagement, the Helghast begin to fall back. Just as the group prepares to leave, Echo arrives to complete her mission: killing Massar. Sinclair fervently orders Kellan to kill Echo, but Kellan refuses, instead ordering an VSA trooper holding Massar to stand down. When the trooper refuses to do so, Echo kills both the trooper and Massar while Lucas did nothing to stop her. This act causes Sinclair to completely lose his trust in Kellan, in which he tells him that his safety is no longer guaranteed, despite Kellan's defense of Echo's actions. Now alone, Kellan teams up with Echo, and they follow a dropship into Helghan's atmosphere using orbital divers to find and destroy Massar's weapon.



  • Enter the decompression ring
  • [OPTIONAL] Access the security room
  • Protect Massar's shuttle




Comic Book Pages[]

  • Pages 47-48
  • Pages 49-50
  • Pages 51-52
  • Pages 53-54



  • The Handler - Complete level 'The Handler'.
Campaign Levels of Killzone Shadow Fall
Chapters The Father · The Shadow · The Doctor · The Patriot · The Helghast · The Agent · The Handler · The Dead · The Destroyer · The Savior