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The Helghast is the fifth chapter of Killzone Shadow Fall.


As a result of the Black Hand's terrorist attack, all Helghast citizens residing on the Vektan side of the Wall are deported to New Helghan. Sinclair sends Kellan under-cover with the rest of the refugees in order to make contact with an undercover informant named Zeus in order to acquire Tyran's location.

Zeus informs Kellan that Tyran is residing in the slums. Working his way through, Kellan is discovered by Tyran, and informs the Helghast forces and other civilians of his location, forcing him to go on the offensive. Eventually, Kellan finds Tyran, who is informing his superior, Jorhan Stahl (revealed to have survived the events of Killzone 3), of what has transpired. Stahl, noticing Kellan's presence, informs him that Massar's bio-tech weapon has been altered to target Vektans. After a brief knife fight with Tyran, Kellan is thrown out of Tyran's dwelling, watching it self-destruct, and presumably killing Tyran. Now critically wounded and unarmed, Kellan is cornered by Helghast forces. Sinclair (through the radio) tells Kellan that they will not leave him there to die.



  • Find Tyran in New Helghan and eliminate him.
  • [OPTIONAL] Erase Zeus' name.




Comic Book Pages[]

  • Pages 23-24
  • Pages 25-26
  • Pages 27-28
  • Pages 33-34
  • Pages 29-30
  • Pages 31-32



  • The Helghast - Complete level 'The Helghast'.


Campaign Levels of Killzone Shadow Fall
Chapters The Father · The Shadow · The Doctor · The Patriot · The Helghast · The Agent · The Handler · The Dead · The Destroyer · The Savior