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"The Cassandra has been destroyed but Dr. Massar's departure with the Helghast operative Echo is a setback which could have grave consequnces."
―Chapter summary

The Patriot is the fourth chapter of Killzone Shadow Fall.


Kellan returns to Vekta City. Upon arriving at VSA Headquarters, a massive explosion rips through the building, killing several civilians and soldiers and knocking Kellan unconscious. When he comes to, he witnesses Helghast forces assaulting the building. After fighting through multiple enemies, Kellan reactivates the building's security protocols. Meeting up with Sinclair, the two proceed to fly out of the area, with Sinclair stating that he knew this could happen, as other attacks occur across the city. At that moment, a broadcast comes through from Vladko Tyran, leader of "The Black Hand" (a paramilitary terrorist group), which he claims responsibility for the attacks.

At the same time, it is discovered that Black Hand forces have hijacked multiple trains to use as makeshift missiles at various points. After dispatching the Helghast on the trains, Kellan come to the last train to find it filled with explosives on a timer, preventing him from defusing them in time. Using a mini-gun, Kellan succeeds in shooting the train off of the rails, allowing the bombs to detonate safely. Soon after, Tyran's location is determined. Kellan leads an assault on his location, whilst rescuing multiple hostages. Tyran leads Kellan on a chase through the building, ultimately hijacking an ISA dropship. Hanging on to the ship via a rope, Kellan follows the dropship through Vekta City, but is forced off by Tyran, who escapes into New Helghan.





Comic Book Pages[]

  • Pages 15-16
  • Pages 21-22
  • Pages 17-18
  • Pages 19-20



  • The Patriot - Complete level 'The Patriot'.


Campaign Levels of Killzone Shadow Fall
Chapters The Father · The Shadow · The Doctor · The Patriot · The Helghast · The Agent · The Handler · The Dead · The Destroyer · The Savior