A highly decorated Shadow Marshal of the Second Extrasolar War, Thomas Sinclair was active in numerous operations that were instrumental in securing the ISA's victory against the Helghast.[1] On December 27, 2370, Sinclair helped Michael Kellan and his son Lucas to escape from New Helghan. Unfortunately, Sinclair was only able to save Lucas, as Michael was killed by Helghast soldiers.[2] Sinclair adopted Lucas and, within over two decades, eventually becoming Lucas' mentor and father figure, and later his superior in the Shadow Marshals.
Sinclair was involved in the formation of the Vektan Security Agency and moved through the ranks of the VSA to become agency head within four years.[1] His rapid rise was questioned by many, in which some claimed Sinclair used information gathered from his ties to the intelligence community as blackmail to reach his position.[1] Sinclair was a staunch patriot and idealist; in which this personal view was a major factor in his decision-making process against New Helghan.[1] He was opposed to the Vektan government's diplomatic stance to New Helghan, believing that peaceful coexistence with the Helghast to be impossible. For years, Sinclair had been advocating the Vektan government to take a hardline stance against New Helghan, to the point of instigating violence and unrest to create a perceived Helghast threat.[1]
In 2390, when rising tension between the Vektans and Helghans came close to war, Sinclair sent Lucas to infiltrate New Helghan and recover classified data.[3] After Lucas recovered the data, Sinclair learned from the data that VSA scientist Dr. Hillary Massar, the head researcher of a bio-tech weapons program, planned to defect to New Helghan while revealing to the Helghast the existence of the VSA's black site, the ISC Cassandra, where her weapon was developed; according to Sinclair's claims, the weapon was made to be use as a "deterrent" against the Helghast. When the Cassandra lost contact with the VSA and its crew dead at the hands of Massar, Sinclair ordered Lucas to scuttle the Cassandra to prevent the ship's research from falling into Helghast hands and to apprehend Massar. However, Lucas failed to stop Massar's defection.[4] Sinclair placed a high priority on Massar's capture.
Following Massar's defection, Vekta City was attacked by the Black Hand in which VSA Headquarters was bombed. Sinclair led VSA forces in stopping the terrorists from making further attacks with hijacked FlyRail trains and attempted to capture Black Hand leader Vladko Tyran, who managed to escape to New Helghan.[5] The deaths and destruction brought to the city made Sinclair to feel vindicated in his hawkish stance against New Helghan, in which he hoped the terrorist attack would convince the Vektan government and their people to be more aggressive against the Helghast. Sinclair soon dispatched Lucas to again infiltrate New Helghan and locate and eliminate Tyran.[6]
However, Lucas was recaptured and tortured by the Helghast, but soon returned to the VSA and informed Sinclair of Chancellor Hera Visari's alliance with Jorhan Stahl and their intentions to ignite another war with Massar's weapon. Sinclair, however, was very displeased to hear Lucas had decided to side with Visari's daughter Echo on calling for the VSA to stand down from further provoking war with New Helghan.[7]
Losing Lucas' loyalty[]
Refusing to consider Lucas' words, Sinclair had Lucas sent to a mining spire orbiting Helghan to retrieve Massar and her weapon, which was finally completed and prepared for Stahl. However, after Lucas and the VSA extraction team fought off waves of Helghast soldiers, Echo appeared and held Massar and an VSA agent at gunpoint. Sinclair overhears the heated confrontation, and angrily orders Lucas to kill Echo. Lucas did not follow Sinclair's orders however, and during a moment of hesitation, allowed Echo to kill Massar and the VSA agent to prevent both Vekta and New Helghan from ever using Massar's weapons research. Deeply angered by Lucas's disobedience and his decision to side with Echo, Sinclair condemned the Shadow Marshal a traitor by warning him that he could not guarantee his safety if he continued his alliance with Echo.[7]
"The Die is Cast"[]
With Lucas having gone rogue, Sinclair soon commanded the ISA into launching an assault on Jorhan Stahl's base on Helghan and seize Massar's weapon. He was then contacted by Lucas who tries to warn him to abort the assault as Stahl was preparing to activate Massar's weapon against the fleet. But Sinclair refused to listen to Lucas' warning, admonishing him for "losing sight of what matters" before concluding that "the die is cast." Consequently afterwards almost every ISA ship fell into Stahl's trap and were destroyed by Massar's weapon.[8]
Sinclair prepares to execute Lucas.
However, Sinclair survived and managed to enter Stahl's base, eventually making his way to Stahl's Sanctum, where he found Stahl and Lucas. Without hesitation Sinclair killed Stahl and mortally wounding Lucas. After informing his ground team that he found Massar's weapon, Sinclair looks down on Lucas, disappointed for losing his trust in him. He also revealed to Lucas that he intends to restart the war against the Helghast by using Massar's weapon to finally eradicate them, professing his belief that Vekta will always be under threat for as long as the Helghast exists. After discussing his plan, Sinclair apologizes to Lucas that he couldn't be the person to protect him before promptly shooting him in the head.[8]
Sinclair's assassination.
A month later, Sinclair along with the ISA survivors returned to Vekta as a "hero". After the revelation of Stahl's survival and planned invasion of Vekta was revealed to the public, diplomatic relations between Vekta and New Helghan broke down in which Sinclair took the opportunity to rally the Vektans to support for war against the Helghast. On August 5, 2390 Sinclair held a pro-war speech in front of the rebuilt VSA HQ. During in the middle of his speech, Sinclair was assassinated by Echo via sniper fire, thereby avenging Lucas' death, and preventing Sinclair's war against New Helghan from happening.[9]
"You've seen what they're like. These people are animals. All of them. The threat is real. It's not just on the other side, it's come here, to our home. We must defend it. At all costs."
Like most Vektans' animosity towards the Helghast, Sinclair was deeply prejudiced against the Helghast, regarding all of them as animals and an existential threat to Vekta, and viewed the peace treaty between the Vektans and Helghast to be a mistake, and coexistence between them to be impossible. Though he was not wrong about the likes of the Black Hand and Jorhan Stahl, who tried to exterminate the Vektans, Sinclair saw all Helghast, including those who do not desire war with Vekta, as a threat that must be eliminated in order to ensure the protection of Vekta and its people.
Ruthless and calculating, he is shown to go to any lengths to wipe out the remaining Helghast, even so far as betraying and executing Lucas, whom he had raised as his son and considered him as such, in order to restart the war that Lucas would have otherwise tried to prevent alongside Echo.
Ironically, Sinclair's anti-Helghast prejudice made him not so different from the Helghast's contempt for humanity, such as callously executing people the same way the Helghast do.
The following are the conversations during the Campaign, categorized per chapter.
Chapter 1: The Father[]
Show: Encountering Sinclair
Sinclair:"Quick, get over here! Come on!" Michael:"Is that one of us?"
(Moves closer) Michael:"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Sinclair:"Stay out of sight. Don't move."
(Wait for a Helghast patrol to pass) Sinclair:"This way." Michael:"We're going to go with him for now."
Show: Inside the Robotics store
Michael:"Thanks." Sinclar:"Is this your kid?" Michael:"I'm taking him to the Wall." Sinclair:"Looks like you're going to need some help." Michael:"You're a Shadow Marshal, aren't you? Why are the Helghast doing this to us? There was an agreement; we were gauranteed safe passage out of here." Sinclair:"Hey buddy, I don't like it any more than you do. But until you get to the Wall, it's their rules. Like I said, you're gonna need some help..." Michael:"You can get us to the Wall? Safely?" Sinclair:"Look, the south crossing is closed so we're going to have to take the long way around. We've wasted enough time here already." Michael:"What's your name?" Sinclair:"Sinclair." Michael:"I'm Michael Kellan. This is my son, Lucas. (Turns to Lucas) We're going to go back outside. I want you to stay close to me and don't make any noise. Okay? You're doing great. (Turns to Sinclair) I'm trusting you." Sinclair:"You'r dad's a smart man, kid. Let's go."
Show: Jammed door
Michael:"What's wrong?" Sinclar:"The door is jammed. There's something blocking that door. There's a hole in the roof. One of us might be able to squeeze through, drop down and clear what's blocking it." Michael:"We need to move. It's too late to turn back now." Lucas:"I can do it." Sinclair:"He's the only one small enough to fit through there." Michael:"(To Lucas) Come on. Now once you get up there I want you to stay out of sight and I want you to go straight for the hole, okay?" Lucas:"Sure." Sinclair:"(To Michael) Seems like a good kid." Michael:"He's always had his own way of doing things." Sinclair:"He's braver than some of the adults around here."
(Once inside) Sinclair:"Did he make it?" Michael:"He's inside. Lucas, over here."
(After removing the plank) Michael:"Lucas, we couldn't have done that without you."
(A drone appears) Sinclair:"Drone!"
(Drone flies away) Sinclair:"Let's go. Keep it low!"
Show: Stunned Helghast
(Sinclair intends to shoot a Helghast troop) Michael:"No. I'll take care of him. (Shoots and turns to Lucas) It's okay, he's just stunned. (Sinclair kills the soldier) What are you doing?" Sinclair:"Take no chances." Michael:"No, I didn't sign up for this." Sinclair:"No, you signed up for my help. This is it. Worry about your conscience when we're on the other side. Come on. We're not far from the Wall."
(Upon reaching a small wall) Sinclair:"Alright, listen up. It's just up ahead, but there's still a lot of danger. Wait here while I check things out." Michael:"You hear that, Lucas? We're almost there, but we gotta be careful."
Show: The end of Michael
Helghast:"Targets apprehended." Michael:"Uhhhhhh! Lucas, stay behind me. (Turns to the Helghast) Wait! Wait, we were promised safe passage. Please I've got my son with me. We're unarmed. Hey stop! Stop! You can't do this! This is our home too! (Gets shot)" Lucas:"NOOOO!"
(Sinclair returns and kills the Helghast) Lucas:"What's wrong with him? Why isn't he moving?!" Sinclair:"Oh damn it." Lucas:"What's going to happen to me?" Sinclair:"Well looks like you're gonna have to stick with me kid. Come on. We'll be okay once we get to the other side of the Wall. Come on!"
Show: Mission Briefing
Sinclair:"'They're not seeing what I'm seeing. The intel speaks for itself." Minister:"They don't agree." Sinclair:"Well, minister, we're gonna have to convince them. I have to go. Excuse me. (Turns to Lucas) Welcome home, Lucas." Lucas:"Thank you, sir. It's good to be back." Sinclair:"The men might appreciate what you did, but it wasn't smart. You're too important to this operation. Goddammit, you're too important to me." Lucas:"I had to, sir. Getting captured was the only way those men were getting out alive." Sinclair:"Luckily, we had someone to trade." Lucas:"Who was she?" Sinclair:"Codename's Echo. Chancellor Visari took a keen interest in getting her back. Besides the fact she's a half-breed, we've got nothing on her. Let me show you something. (Turns on the news) I take it you've seen this? Negotiations broke down days ago, the government's running with it, playing out options. I can tell you they won't find any.." Chancellor Visari (in the background):"As ruler of New Helghan, I will to make the same mistakes of the past. We must protect our independence and not yield to those who (cut off)" Lucas:"Since when did we start relying on politicians?" Sinclair:"That's my boy. Look, I know I'm asking a lot after what you've been through, but I need your help. We're on the brink, Lucas. One wrong move and this all blows up in our face." Lucas:"Whatever I can do, sir." Sinclair:"It was a recon mission across the Wall. Infiltrating military communications. Troop movement, logistics. We need hard evidence. Then we can strike." Lucas:"What happened?" Sinclair:"We don't know. That was two hours ago. We've heard nothing since. I need you back in there. Contact me when you've located the crew and retrieved the intel. The Helghast know we're there, so at this point, it's damage limitation. We can't leave any traces. I'm trusting you to clean this up. Do what you do best."
Chapter 2: The Shadow[]
Show: Purification Plant
Kellan:"Pulsar, this is Shadow 1-8, I'm inside the facility." Sinclair:"Good job 1-8, locate and secure your OWL and weapons package." Kellan:"Copy that."
(Upon finding a security camera) Kellan:"Pulsar, I've spotted a security camera." Sinclair:"You can expect enemy resistance, use your tactical echo to spot any threats. Tread carefully 1-8, Pulsar out."
Show: OWL and weapons package
Kellan:"Pulsar, Shadow 1-8, first package located and secured. En route to second package." Sinclair:"Roger 1-8. Your weapons drop should be nearby."
(Upon obtaining the ammunition package) Kellan:"Ammunition package acquired." Sinclair:"Copy 1-8."
Show: Crashed dropship
Kellan:"I've got eyes on the area. There's a smoke column in the distance." Sinclair:"Most probably the crash site. Get down there and search it out." Kellan:"I'm heading there now. 1-8 out."
(At the crash site) Kellan:"Pulsar, 1-8, I'm at the crash site." Sinclair:"Crew status?" Kellan:"Three KIA. They've been searched. Looks like they died in the crash." Sinclair:"The others can't be far, find them. Remember 1-8, no traces. Destroy the ship. Pulsar out."
Show: Encountering the recon team
VSA:"Good to see you, Sir." Kellan:"What's your status?" VSA 2:"Flak took out an engine. We couldn't make it to the water." Kellan:"You have the intel?" VSA 2:"Here."
(After taking the intel) VSA 2:"Whatever we're doing to get out of here, we need to do it fast." VSA:"There's a dropship in the bunker. We can use that." VSA 3:"Those AA guns on top of that dam will cut us to pieces." Kellan:"Alright, hang on guys. Pulsar, Shadow 1-8, intel and team are secure. The enemy has firepower compromising our exit. Proceeding to neutralize. Over." Sinclair:"Copy 1-8, just make sure this works." Kellan:"Roger sir." Sinclair:"Pulsar out." Kellan:"I'm going to set the charges. Hold your position and stay on comms. I'll come back for you." VSA 2:"Yes, sir."
Show: Communication Tower
Sinclair:"Shadow 1-8, confirm you are neutralizing comm's tower?" Kellan:"I'm working on it."
Show: AA guns
Sinclair:"1-8, confirm you are setting charges on the AA guns?" Kellan:"Roger that, Pulsar."
Show: Evac preparation
Kellan:"Pulsar, 1-8. We're ready to leave in 10, over." Sinclair:"Roger 1-8." Kellan:"Recon, you guys copy my last? I'm heading to the dropship now. What's your location?" VSA:"We're en route now. Be there shortly."
Show: Escape
Kellan:"Area sanitized, sir. Package secure, returning to base." VSA:"Get this bird in the air! Let's go!" Sinclair:"Roger 1-8. Good work. Pulsar out."
Show: Mission briefing
Researcher:"If anyone's listening. There's some kind of... infection... ...It started with the crew, it's spreading. I don't think this was some kind of accident... there's too many fail-safes in place and people are dying-" Sinclair:"This was found on the auxiliary drive of the ISA Cassandra. She's one of ours. Black site R&D, bio-tech primarily. We tried to make contact. Nothing. Crew are presumed dead." Kellan:"What was the research?" Sinclair:"It was supposed to give us leverage, purely a deterrent. God dammit, if the Helghast exploit it they'd be unstoppable. It wouldn't be a war, it'd be genocide. Part of the intel you retrieved was a series of outgoing transmissions from the Cassandra. We think it's Helghast encryption. My gut tells me this is who sent them. Dr. Hillary Massar, project leader. It looks like she's trying to defect. Board the ship, restore power to the engines, and steer her into the sun. Make it look like an accident. There's an extraction team on standby to get you out. There's a reason why we took such care with her work, Lucas. People wouldn't understand. That's why I'm involving only you in this. Anything could be waiting for you on there. Watch your back."
Kellan:"Pulsar, Shadow 1-8. I've got eyes on the ship. Defensive systems look to be down." Sinclair:"Roger. Breach the hull and advise once inside." VSA:"C-12 approaching ISC Cassandra. Fifty meters and closing. Shadow Marshal begin prepping for spacewalk. You are clear on my mark. Breach device in place. C-12 clear for departure. Good luck, Marshal."
(Inside the ship) Kellan:"Elevator's down. I'm finding another route." Sinclair:"Roger 1-8."
Show: Reactor operational
Kellan:"Pulsar, 1-8, reactor back online. Proceeding with the mission." Sinclair:"Copy 1-8, set a new course at the bridge. I want this ship gone." Kellan:"Yes, sir."
Show: Massar found
Kellan:"Pulsar, 1-8, the ship is on course for the sun... ...But I've just seen Massar and an unidentified person entering the labs. Over." Sinclair:"She wants to defect. We can't let the Helghast take her. Get down there 1-8, now. Get her back. You hear me?"
Show: Echo escape
Kellan:"Sir, the trade off, she's here. She's taken Massar." Sinclair:"There's still time to stop them, but you have to move!"
(At the escape pods) Sinclair:"1-8. Multiple distress signals are being received. She must have launched all the escape pods." Kellan:"Roger that! I'm looking for an alternate way off -- just have someone waiting!" Sinclair:"Rescue Team on route. Hang on!"
Chapter 4: The Patriot[]
Show: Terrorist attack
Sinclair:"Shadow 1-8, this is Pulsar." Kellan:"Go for 1-8." Sinclair:"Are you okay?" Kellan:"I'm fine sir. It's good to hear your voice." Sinclair:"I was coming in when the blast went off. Were you near it?" Kellan:"Right outside." Sinclair:"Christ, that was close. What's the Sitrep?" Kellan:"We've lost the mainframe. They just took control." Sinclair:"We took multiple strikes all over the city. I need you up here now!" Kellan:"Copy. On route, switching back to Tac 1."
Show: Reflection
Sinclair:"I always knew something like this would happen. An attack right here on our own soil. It's time for us to step up. You hear me?" Kellan:"Yes, sir." VSA:"Sir, I've got the broadcast running. The intel confirms it's the Black Hand."
(Broadcast plays) Sinclair:"Vladko Tyran. Find him." VSA:"We're working on it, sir." Sinclair:"I told them... we are at war. Thinking they could buy time. We should' have gone in first, never given them a chance. The blood's on their hands now." VSA:"Sir, we've got unusual activity on the FlyRail system." Sinclair:"Get me a live feed. They're using trains as missiles. Get us to the depot. We'll cut them off at the source." VSA:"Redirect 549-71. We've got three hijacked transports, multiple heat signatures." Sinclair:"There's got to be civilians on board. Get down there and stop those trains. GO! GO!"
Show: Train secured
Kellan:"Command, 1-8, train secure. Hostiles down." VSA:"Roger. Stand by for updates." Sinclair:"Negative. There's no time to wait..." VSA:"Unit calling, identify." Sinclair:"It's Sinclair! Kellan! You copy?" Kellan:"Go ahead." Sinclair:"The situation is still very active. They're all over the station. Push through. We can't let them take control." Kellan:"Roger that." VSA:"We're coming under fire!" Sinclair:"Hold them off 2-9! I'm sending support!" VSA:"Multiple shooters! They're coming in from all sides!"
(After clearing the second train) Kellan:"Train clear. There's civilian casualties everywhere." Sinclair:"Third train on the lower east platform! We have eys on multiple targets. They're setting up a perimeter." VSA:"They're attacking multiple hostiles! They're deploying rockets!" Sinclair:"What's the latest on those cruisers?" VSA:"They're spinning up drive systems and arming." Sinclair:"I want them in the air now!" VSA 2:"Sir, we've got reports of at least three more explosions in the docking yard." Sinclair:"Use whatever you have to, just make it happen."
(Aboard the third train) Kellan:"Pulsar, 1-8." Sinclair:"Go." Kellan:"In the last train car... it's filled with explosives... Shit! They've linked the bomb in series. I can't defuse it in time!" Sinclair:"1-8, get back in here now! We need to disable that train, it's headed straight for the central station. There's hundreds of civilians trapped in there. We need to shoot the train off the rails. Use the mini-gun. Go, GO! Blow out the drive system! Shoot the cable hooks! Do not let that train get to the central station!"
(After dealing with the train) Sinclair:"Congratulations soldier, you just saved a lot of lives. We traced the feed. He's right here in West Vekta. We've never had a confirmed sighting before now. Tac Ops are en route, elevators are shut down. We're evacuating the lower floors. We have a confirmed sighting of Tyran in the upper levels. I want you to go in, rendezvous with the ground team and secure the hostages. Off the record, Tyran takes priority. You understand? I want Tyran's head, Lucas. On a stick."
Show: Hostages
Kellan:"I've found the broadcast uplink. Tyran's not here!" VSA:"Confirmed hostages in there, watch your fire."
(After clearing some rooms) Kellan:"Hostiles down." VSA:"Roger. Picking it up on all wave lengths." Sinclair:"This is Pulsar. I want that emitter found! Get that off the air! Now!"
(After releasing the hostages) VSA:"Command, Zulu 2-1. All hostages are accounted, thanks to Shadow 1-8, over." VSA 2:"Roger, Zulu 2-1, good job everyone. Shadow 1-8, this is Command. We're getting reports that some hostiles have escaped. Stand by for update." Sinclair:"Kellan, we've got telemetry coming in. Looks like Tyran's on the move." VSA 2:"1-8. Scans show they're seven levels below, 40th floor." Kellan:"We'll rappel down from the balcony. Let's go!" VSA 2:"Roger 1-8. Monitoring. Advance and report."
Show: Tyran
Kellan:"Got a visual on Tyran. He's on the move." VSA:"Shadow 1-8, secure Tyran alive." Sinclair:"This is Sinclair, scratch that. Shoot to kill." VSA 2:"Keep it moving, let's go! There he is! Shit. Can you make it across Marshal?"
(At the platform) VSA:"There, on the platform! P-ID on Tyran! Command, Tyran is boarding an ISA-designated Dropship!" Sinclair:"Kellan, don't let them escape."
Show: Mission Briefing
Sinclair:"Good, good... Excellent work. Have the asset set in place. I want the option to go mobile if we have to. Lucas, when I look out there I see our enemies testing us. Seeing if we have the resolve." Kellan:"If you send me back in, I will find him. I promise." Sinclair:"Tyran must be made an example of. They have to know that we are strong. We have to show them. We're sending you in as a refugee using the deportation as cover. Once you're on the other side you'll make contact with an informant, codename Zeus. He'll give you Tyran's location. Find him... ...and execute. Then make your way to the extraction site. We have been given an opportunity, Lucas. An opportunity to convince everyone we are right. You've seen what they're like. These people are animals. All of them. The threat is real. It's not just on the other side, it's come here, to our home. We must defend it. At all costs."
Chapter 5: The Helghast[]
Show: Train EMP
Sinclair:"Shadow 1-8. Train's gone dark -- it just fell off the Helghast networks." Kellan:"Roger. Any updates on Zeus' location?" Sinclair:"No change. District 47 was last contact. He's somewhere deep in the housing zone." Kellan:"Copy that." Sinclair:"Burst transmission sent. Mission packet details should be coming through. Going radio silent now." Kellan:"I got what I need. Will update, 1-8 out."
Show: Tyran Intel
Kellan:"Pulsar, 1-8, I've got something. I'm patching it through now." Sinclair:"Copy that 1-8. Good work. This is exactly what we need. Any sign of Tyran?"
Show: End of Tyran
Kellan:"Pulsar, 1-8, Tyran's dead. Repeat, Tyran is dead." Sinclair:"Copy that 1-8, I knew I could count on you. Get yourself to the extraction site, now."
(After the Helghast dropship appears) Sinclair:"1-8! Extract team picking up hostiles in your area. They need to re-route, stand by for update." Kellan:"Roger Pulsar!"
(Upon getting surrounded) Kellan:"They've got me cornered, sir. I'm not getting out." Sinclair:"Damn it! You know what's coming soldier?" Kellan:"I've been here before, sir." Sinclair:"They won't let you out a second time, Lucas. I won't leave you in there, you hear me?"
Chapter 6: The Agent[]
Show: Standing down the VSA
Sinclair:"Stand down? Are you out of your goddamn mind?! Watch it, Lucas. Trust is easily lost in this game. And you don't get it back." Kellan:"She helped me escape. I'd be dead otherwise." Sinclair:"You're going to side with her over me? She told you she's going to kill Massar, the one thing we need! Look, the Black Hand, Visari, Stahl - there's no difference. Their agenda is the same, to wipe us out. It's always been that way. You know that more than anyone. For Christ's sake, your father paid with his life. Are you going to let his death mean nothing?" Kellan:"They are innocent people." Sinclair:"No! They're not innocent, Kellan. They're complicit, they all are. We have been given a chance. We secure the weapon and Massar. This thing targeted Helghast once, she can do it again. Visari won't be able to threaten us. Ever. We can finally take our home back. The Black Hand intel you retrieved details this mining spire in orbit around the planet. I need you to infiltrate. Find the weapon and Massar. Do not let the half-breed get in your way. Show me I can still trust you, Lucas."
Chapter 7: The Handler[]
Show: Infiltrating the labs
Sinclair:"You should be coming up on a service shaft, 1-8. Fastest way to the lower labs will be that route. How copy 1-8?" Kellan:"I copy you loud and clear." Sinclair:"Confirm you are taking it to the lower labs?" Kellan:"I know what I'm doing." Sinclair:"Check fire Kellan! You update me when you've located Massar. Pulsar out."
(Upon reaching the maintenance section) Kellan:"Pulsar, 1-8. I've reached the maintenance section. Going on phase two." Sinclair:"Extraction team on route, stand by. Trojan 5-5, you are mission launch." VSA:"Acknowledged. 5-5 moving now, over."
Show: Finding Massar
Kellan:"Pulsar, 1-8. I've found Massar." Sinclair:"Copy that, 1-8. Secure the target. Any sign of the weapon?"
(After Massar's exposition) Kellan:"Sir, the weapon is operational. It's been taken to the surface." Sinclair:"Good. I've got an ISA deployment force on standby, you can go in with them. Proceed to the second spire with Massar. There's an extraction team waiting. Pulsar out."
Show: The end of Massar
Kellan:"Woah woah woah, stand down sergeant." VSA:"We have our orders, sir." Echo:"What are you doing? You can not give her back to Sinclair." Massar:"You're deceiving yourself." Sinclair:"(Over comms) What's happening?" Kellan:"(Over comms) Pulsar, she's here." Massar:"Can you not feel it? Their sickness." Kellan:"STAND DOWN, SERGEANT!" Sinclair:"(Over comms) Kellan take her out right now! RIGHT NOW, Kellan goddammit - TAKE HER OUT!" Kellan:"Sergeant stop! STOP!"
(Echo shoots the sergeant and Massar) Echo:"I told you. She cannot live." Sinclair:"(Over comms) What's happening? What's going on?" Kellan:"(Over comms) Massar's dead. She got me out, sir. I have to trust her." Sinclair:"(Over comms) I thought you were smarter than this Kellan. I warned you. I will not let you screw this up. This is our home goddammit." Kellan:"(Over comms) I know what I'm doing." Sinclair:"(Over comms) You run with her, I can no longer gaurantee your safety." Echo:"Do you know what you're doing?" Kellan:"Sinclair has made his choice. Now I have to make mine. We have to find this weapon and destroy it. Otherwise it's over, for all of us." Echo:"A dropship is entering Helghan's atmosphere. We can use these and go in undetected. It may lead us to the weapon. Come on."
Chapter 9: The Destroyer[]
Show: Tyran's death
Echo:"How do we stop it?! TELL ME!" Tyran:"New Helghan is but a fantasy... dreamt up by cowards and traitors." Echo:"Focus! The weapon?!" Tyran:"The fantasy is about to end... for all of you. The invasion will cost you everything." Echo:"You will never know." Kellan:"(Over comms) Sir? Can you hear me? Over." Sinclair:"(Over comms) Yeah, I read you." Kellan:"(Over comms) Sir, we have to pull back. You can't win this." Echo:"We're too late." Sinclair:"(Over comms) Is she still with you? I take that as a yes. You may have lost sight of what matters soldier, but I have not." Kellan:"(Over comms) You're not listening. Stahl has the weapon. Now I can get to him and stop this. You're walking into a trap." Sinclair:"(Over comms) The die is cast." Kellan:"(Over comms) Sir?!" Echo:"You tried." Kellan:"We find Stahl. This ends." Echo:"Stahl's our only chance to stop this. Come on. We'll use one of their ships."
Show: Kellan's death
Sinclair:"(Over comms) Pulsar to ground team, I've found the weapon." VSA:"(Over comms) Roger that Pulsar. Securing the perimeter."
"I never thought it would be you to betray me Lucas, be the one I couldn't trust. "
"From that day, we could no longer deny the very real and present threat to our Nation. This was a threat that had been allowed to infiltrate our own society and take advantage of our freedom. If we didn't know it before, we know it now. The Helgast mean to destroy us: they believe it is their duty to destroy us. And as long as they live, they will not stop. We have nothing but a wall to separate us from this evil. New Helgan is a failed State, full of ruined generals and weapons proliferators. It is only a matter of time. Do not let our recent success delude us: they will attack again. They envy our way of life because we are free, but as free people we have vulnerabilities, weaknesses that they will seek to exploit."
"Containment has been our objective so far: and I say, that approach has failed."
Chapter 1: The Father[]
"Well done, Lucas. You're the youngest cadet ever to be admitted to the Shadow Marshal Academy. You should be proud. I know if your father was here he'd feel the same way." -Eight years later
"All our people want is to be kept safe. That means taking the fight to the Helghast. It means crossing the Wall. No matter what they do, it's still Vekta over there. One day you're gonna get it back. For all of us." -Ten years later
"The Shadow Marshal program is honored to have you, Lucas. You know where you have to go. And you know what happens if you get caught. You're led out, on the Wall in chains, with a bag over your head. Paraded, and mocked, and then executed." -Fourteen years later
Chapter 4: The Patriot[]
"Lock off all floors below two and three. Nothing leaves that building. All information and data is locked down. How many men we got inside that building? Can we get them out?"
"Lucas, you're with me."
Chapter 5: The Helghast[]
"1-8, this is Pulsar, once you get through security and onto the train, use the EMP device to disable it."
Chapter 7: The Handler[]
"Shadow 1-8, we're picking up phase array emissions. Plot your course through the asteroid field. It will disrupt their perimeter sensors and hide your signature. There's a maintenance hatch just ahead. You'll be able to gain entry next to it."
Chapter 9: The Destroyer[]
"I thought I knew you, Lucas. After everything these sons of bitches have taken from us in the past I didn't think you'd be the one I lost faith in. Be the one I couldn't trust. Every day, New Helghan continues to exist we are under threat. I've shown them that. And now I'll show them how we can remove that threat. Forever. I've always tried to protect you, son. I'm sorry I couldn't be that person."
Chapter 10: The Savior[]
"I remember when the Helghast first came to our world, there was a belief that we could coexist. Through their suffering we thought, we saw our humanity. But this was a mistake. We should have realized then, as we do now, that the Helghast chose to forsake their humanity long ago. They are an aberration. They do not share our values. And they do not deserve our compassion. The belief that we could live beside the Helghast was false. We deceived ourselves. Well, it is now time to face the reality."
"In the thirty years since our home was taken from us, our situation hasn't changed. Still, still there are Vektans who are unwilling to accept the reality in which they live. They cling to their false beliefs. I am afraid to say, these people are cowards. They see the path that lies ahead and they think it is a choice whether we continue. If we let them they will turn away and we will fall defeated in the shadow of our true selves. We cannot let them, we must keep to the path. To finish this war we must act. Not to act... will be our undoing."
He is voiced and modelled after British actor David Harewood.
He seems to distrust politicians, as shown in the beginning of The Shadow.
Sinclair's background with Kellan is similar to that of Bradley Vaughton with Jan Templar, as Vaughton took in Templar after the death of his father as well.
His call sign is Pulsar.
He is the announcer for the VSA in Warzone, alongside his counterpart, Anton Saric.
He appears to have been wounded rather severely in the war, taking a glancing shot to the head (if his uneven widow's-peak is any indication) and possibly having a bionic arm, given the harness he appears to be wearing in cutscenes.
According to the Dossier about Sinclair (a collectible which can be found during the campaign), his first name is Thomas. However, in the last mission, "The Savior," there are two TV screens visible from the uppermost level of the park broadcasting Sinclair's speech which state his name as Elliot Sinclair.
He is the first main antagonist to have killed the main playable protagonist in the Killzone series.
He is the second antagonist to be killed by the deuteragonist instead of the protagonist, the first being Scolar Visari by Rico Velasquez in Killzone 2.