The United Colonial Army (UCA) is the military arm of the United Colonial Nations. It was inaugurated in the early 2100s to defend Earth's colonies and prevent interplanetary war.
The United Colonial Army is the only legal military force on Earth and its colonies.[1] Unlike the Interplanetary Strategic Alliance, which largely relies on local funds from their respective systems to function, the UCA receives funding directly from the UCN. This arrangement provides them with access to more resources and firepower than any of the typical ISA branches. The UCA and its Navy possess weapons, training, and technology far beyond the level of individual ISA commands. The ISA was created to provide defense for Earth's colonies to prevent the UCN from spreading its forces too thin. To prevent any of the colonies from ever rebelling against the UCN, the ISA forces are kept intentionally weaker than their UCA counterparts.
Military departments[]
The Navy is the first service branch of the UCA formed in 2113.[1] The Navy's ships, such as large scale troop transports and 'Heavy Cruisers', were principally designed to be highly advanced than ISA ships and purposed to destroy ISA fleets of the outer colonies and invade them by force.[1]
During the early extrasolar colonization period, the UCN was overburdened by the massive amounts of administration to its new colonies. As a result, the UCN relied on stiff economic penalties and overwhelming military force to keep the colonies and habitats in line.[1] The UCN levied volunteers from across the colonies to form the UCN Defense Force to enforce Earth's authority over its stellar dominions. While many colonies retained their armed forces, the UCN Defense Force was widely recognized for possessing the most advanced technology and best trained troops.[1] However, the Defense Force lacked troop numbers and was only conceived as a temporary solution.[1]
In 2113, in the midst of expanding colonization and reports concerning allegations of corruption, military inefficiency, and a sluggish bureaucracy, the UCN Defense Force was officially dissolved in favor of a more efficient service, with the United Colonial Army being formed thereafter.[1]

UCA warships in the First Extrasolar War.
In the late 22nd century, the UCN felt threatened by the Helghan Administration's increasing domination over star travel and space trade, and in response levied stricter tariffs on space traffic and heavily taxing the colonies.[1] The tax was then used to expand the UCA, with its navy branch receiving the bulk of the budget to develop new and more advanced warships.[1] When the Helghan Administration seceded from the UCN in 2199 and subsequently starting the First Extrasolar War, the UCA was dispatched to the Alpha Centauri system where they easily routed Helghan's corporate forces and forcing the Helghan Administration into surrender.[1]
A century later, the UCA was again dispatched to Alpha Centauri to reinforce Vekta against the Helghan Empire during the outbreak of the Second Extrasolar War. Unknown to the UCA, the Helghast anticipated for the UCA fleet's arrival and captured Vekta's SD Defense Network to destroy the unsuspecting fleet. When the UCA reinforcements arrived to Vekta's orbit, the fleet came under fire from the SD network. However, the UCA fleet survived the ambush when a group of four unlikely heroes, led by Jan Templar, disabled the SD network and allowing the UCA to destroy the SD Platform.[2] When the conflict on Vekta ended in January 2358, the UCA declared the situation on Vekta stabilized and withdrew from the system, ordering the Vektan government not to engage in further military actions; however, this was ignored by the colonial authorities, that proceeded to launch a disastrous counter-invasion of Helghan.[1]