The VSA Special Forces are a special operations unit of the Vektan Security Agency. Established in response to the on-going cold war against New Helghan, the Special Forces are specialized in unconventional and high risk operations, deep in enemy territory.[1]
The Special Forces are tasked to infiltrate, survey, and sabotage Helghast activity in New Helghan. These missions are highly dangerous, and operators caught by Helghast Security Forces can expect torture followed by public execution. The VSA, seeking to avoid escalation, continue to maintain plausible deniability and do not intervene to protect captured agents.[1]
VSA Special Forces specialize in unconventional and high risk operations, and work in small elite teams deep in enemy territory. The VSA Special Forces serve as the primary recruiting grounds for the Shadow Marshal program, and even though they represent the elite of the VSA, few meet the exacting standards for a Shadow Marshal.[1]
VSA:"Good to see you, Sir." Kellan:"What's your status?" VSA 2:"Flak took out an engine. We couldn't make it to the water." Kellan:"You have the intel?" VSA 2:"Here."
(After taking the intel) VSA 2:"Whatever we're doing to get out of here, we need to do it fast." VSA:"There's a dropship in the bunker. We can use that." VSA 3:"Those AA guns on top of that dam will cut us to pieces." Kellan:"Alright, hang on guys. Pulsar, Shadow 1-8, intel and team are secure. The enemy has firepower compromising our exit. Proceeding to neutralize. Over." Sinclair:"Copy 1-8, just make sure this works." Kellan:"Roger sir." Sinclair:"Pulsar out." Kellan:"I'm going to set the charges. Hold your position and stay on comms. I'll come back for you." VSA 2:"Yes, sir."
Show: Evac preparation
Kellan:"Pulsar, 1-8. We're ready to leave in 10, over." Sinclair:"Roger 1-8." Kellan:"Recon, you guys copy my last? I'm heading to the dropship now. What's your location?" VSA:"We're en route now. Be there shortly."
(During the fighting) VSA:"They're making another push! Status on the dropship?" VSA 2:"I need a few more minutes!" VSA:"Fortify the perimeter! Get ready to break contact!"
Show: Dropship evacuation
VSA:"Come on! Let's get the hell outta here!" VSA 2:"Get to the Dropship!" VSA 3:"Roger that!" VSA 2:"There's too many!"
VSA:"This is Sierra 3-7 requesting clearance to land on platform two, over." VSA 2:"Copy, Sierra 3-7, you are clear for approach. Landing team on standby. Over."
Show: Security Checkpoint
VSA:"Good to have you back on Vektan soil, sir. They're expecting you upstairs. Follow me, I'll get you through security. Lot of traffic passing through here today, more than usual. They're drafting in units from all over. It's the messing around that messes with your head." VSA 2:"Nobody gets through without clearance." VSA:"Guess now you're here things start moving, huh?" VSA 2:"Everyone, please step aside. This way sir." VSA 3:"Sorry, sir. Just a formality. Ok, clear. Please proceed."
Show: Reflection
Sinclair:"I always knew something like this would happen. An attack right here on our own soil. It's time for us to step up. You hear me?" Kellan:"Yes, sir." VSA:"Sir, I've got the broadcast running. The intel confirms it's the Black Hand."
(Broadcast plays) Sinclair:"Vladko Tyran. Find him." VSA:"We're working on it, sir." Sinclair:"I told them... we are at war. Thinking they could buy time. We should' have gone in first, never given them a chance. The blood's on their hands now." VSA:"Sir, we've got unusual activity on the FlyRail system." Sinclair:"Get me a live feed. They're using trains as missiles. Get us to the depot. We'll cut them off at the source." VSA:"Redirect 549-71. We've got three hijacked transports, multiple heat signatures." Sinclair:"There's got to be civilians on board. Get down there and stop those trains. GO! GO!"
Show: Train secured
Kellan:"Command, 1-8, train secure. Hostiles down." VSA:"Roger. Stand by for updates." Sinclair:"Negative. There's no time to wait..." VSA:"Unit calling, identify." Sinclair:"It's Sinclair! Kellan! You copy?" Kellan:"Go ahead." Sinclair:"The situation is still very active. They're all over the station. Push through. We can't let them take control." Kellan:"Roger that." VSA:"We're coming under fire!" Sinclair:"Hold them off 2-9! I'm sending support!" VSA:"Multiple shooters! They're coming in from all sides!"
(After clearing the second train) Kellan:"Train clear. There's civilian casualties everywhere." Sinclair:"Third train on the lower east platform! We have eys on multiple targets. They're setting up a perimeter." VSA:"They're attacking multiple hostiles! They're deploying rockets!" Sinclair:"What's the latest on those cruisers?" VSA:"They're spinning up drive systems and arming." Sinclair:"I want them in the air now!" VSA 2:"Sir, we've got reports of at least three more explosions in the docking yard." Sinclair:"Use whatever you have to, just make it happen."
(Aboard the third train) Kellan:"Pulsar, 1-8." Sinclair:"Go." Kellan:"In the last train car... it's filled with explosives... Shit! They've linked the bomb in series. I can't defuse it in time!" Sinclair:"1-8, get back in here now! We need to disable that train, it's headed straight for the central station. There's hundreds of civilians trapped in there. We need to shoot the train off the rails. Use the mini-gun. Go, GO! Blow out the drive system! Shoot the cable hooks! Do not let that train get to the central station!"
(After dealing with the train) Sinclair:"Congratulations soldier, you just saved a lot of lives. We traced the feed. He's right here in West Vekta. We've never had a confirmed sighting before now. Tac Ops are en route, elevators are shut down. We're evacuating the lower floors. We have a confirmed sighting of Tyran in the upper levels. I want you to go in, rendezvous with the ground team and secure the hostages. Off the record, Tyran takes priority. You understand? I want Tyran's head, Lucas. On a stick."
Show: Hostages
Kellan:"I've found the broadcast uplink. Tyran's not here!" VSA:"Confirmed hostages in there, watch your fire."
(After clearing some rooms) Kellan:"Hostiles down." VSA:"Roger. Picking it up on all wave lengths." Sinclair:"This is Pulsar. I want that emitter found! Get that off the air! Now!"
(After releasing the hostages) VSA:"Command, Zulu 2-1. All hostages are accounted, thanks to Shadow 1-8, over." VSA 2:"Roger, Zulu 2-1, good job everyone. Shadow 1-8, this is Command. We're getting reports that some hostiles have escaped. Stand by for update." Sinclair:"Kellan, we've got telemetry coming in. Looks like Tyran's on the move." VSA 2:"1-8. Scans show they're seven levels below, 40th floor." Kellan:"We'll rappel down from the balcony. Let's go!" VSA 2:"Roger 1-8. Monitoring. Advance and report."
Show: Tyran
Kellan:"Got a visual on Tyran. He's on the move." VSA:"Shadow 1-8, secure Tyran alive." Sinclair:"This is Sinclair, scratch that. Shoot to kill." VSA 2:"Keep it moving, let's go! There he is! Shit. Can you make it across Marshal?"
(At the platform) VSA:"There, on the platform! P-ID on Tyran! Command, Tyran is boarding an ISA-designated Dropship!" Sinclair:"Kellan, don't let them escape."
Chapter 6: The Agent[]
Show: Returning to Vekta
VSA:"Sir! You okay? Can I get you anything?" Kellan:"Get me Sinclair."
Chapter 7: The Handler[]
Show: Infiltrating the labs
Sinclair:"You should be coming up on a service shaft, 1-8. Fastest way to the lower labs will be that route. How copy 1-8?" Kellan:"I copy you loud and clear." Sinclair:"Confirm you are taking it to the lower labs?" Kellan:"I know what I'm doing." Sinclair:"Check fire Kellan! You update me when you've located Massar. Pulsar out."
(Upon reaching the maintenance section) Kellan:"Pulsar, 1-8. I've reached the maintenance section. Going on phase two." Sinclair:"Extraction team on route, stand by. Trojan 5-5, you are mission launch." VSA:"Acknowledged. 5-5 moving now, over."
Show: Massar's escort
VSA:"Trojan 5-5 is in position." Kellan:"Roger. We're nearly there."
Show: Meeting Trojan 5-5
VSA:"Hold it! Stand down! It's the Shadow Marshal Evans, shut her up! Sir, our ship took some heat on the way in. She's out of action. We're working on one of the Helghast bombers so we can get out of here." Kellan:"You're going to need cover if they attack again." VSA:"Yes, sir. We're men down. The rest of our squad is setting up a defensive position. Evans. keep working on that bomber. Let's go."
(During the battle) VSA:"Incoming dropship! They got heavily armored drones in support!" Kellan:"Engage the dropship. I'll cover with the bomber's cannon and take care of the drones."
(After the battle turns) VSA:"Main engine coil's damaged! She's not responding to controls!" Kellan:"Bail out! Regroup outside!"
Show: The end of Massar
Kellan:"Woah woah woah, stand down sergeant." VSA:"We have our orders, sir." Echo:"What are you doing? You can not give her back to Sinclair." Massar:"You're deceiving yourself." Sinclair:"(Over comms) What's happening?" Kellan:"(Over comms) Pulsar, she's here." Massar:"Can you not feel it? Their sickness." Kellan:"STAND DOWN, SERGEANT!" Sinclair:"(Over comms) Kellan take her out right now! RIGHT NOW, Kellan goddammit - TAKE HER OUT!" Kellan:"Sergeant stop! STOP!"
(Echo shoots the sergeant and Massar) Echo:"I told you. She cannot live." Sinclair:"(Over comms) What's happening? What's going on?" Kellan:"(Over comms) Massar's dead. She got me out, sir. I have to trust her." Sinclair:"(Over comms) I thought you were smarter than this Kellan. I warned you. I will not let you screw this up. This is our home goddammit." Kellan:"(Over comms) I know what I'm doing." Sinclair:"(Over comms) You run with her, I can no longer gaurantee your safety." Echo:"Do you know what you're doing?" Kellan:"Sinclair has made his choice. Now I have to make mine. We have to find this weapon and destroy it. Otherwise it's over, for all of us." Echo:"A dropship is entering Helghan's atmosphere. We can use these and go in undetected. It may lead us to the weapon. Come on."
Chapter 2: The Shadow[]
"I need to hack the dropship, keep a look out."
"I'll meet on the roof. Cover me!"
"We need to relocate!"
"Get a base of fire on the roof!"
"Get to cover. Contact incoming."
"Hold tight!"
Chapter 3: The Doctor[]
"Thermal scans running hot. We got a live one. It's him. Vitals are low. I'm going out."
Chapter 4: The Patriot[]
"You hear me, you alright!? Ma'am, ma'am. We gotta get you up, come over, gimme some help. Just hold on. We've got to get you up, just hold on, put some pressure on it, she is bleeding out. Aaah!"
"They're falling back into the building. Advance on their position, 1-8. We'll stay here and secure the perimeter."
"Hold your fire! He's one of ours! Marshal, Sinclair's outside. He wants to see you."
"Sir! This way. Sinclair's outside."
"Oh Jesus Christ, that's near Templar Park."
"Sir! Suspect are holed up in the room below. Ready to breach through the pool skylight on your go. We can breach right now or find another entry point. Your call, sir."
"All call signs, Shadow 1-8 is inside. All Zulu fire teams hold position."
"Shots fired! Shots fired!"
"Prepare to breach. Execute! Watch cross fire! Watch cross fire!"
"Sir, looks like they're heading for the Wall. You have to let go of the rope."
"Sir, you need to get the hell out of there! Now!"
"Traversing fire! There's someone coming out of that drone!"
"Over here! Run!"
"Cease fire! Cease fire! He's one of ours!"
"Roger! This way! This way!"
Chapter 7: The Handler[]
"Breach device in place. Archangel clear for departure. Good luck, Marshal."
"There's a weapons rack over there, grab what's left. Helghast just probed our line -- we were able to block off most of the exits -- except the ones to our front... they'll be back in force any second."