Killzone Wiki

Vekta City is the capital and largest city on planet Vekta. It appears in Killzone, and Killzone: Shadow Fall.


A bustling metropolis befitting a wealthy planet close ties to the United Colonial Nations, the city is home to at least 150 million people living in it with several tourist traps and luxurious shopping malls. Originally the city was built by the Helghan Corporation and was the site of the Helghast surrender in the First Extrasolar War. Over the years the city grew larger. It has several districts dedicated to spacecraft maintenance and housed a large portion of the Vektan ISA's planetary army garrison.

Second Extrasolar War

When the Helghast Third Army touched down on Vekta during the Helghast invasion of the Second Extrasolar War, the defending companies of RRF troops both inside and outside the city's limits were quickly overrun and destroyed, especially when Helghast troops aided General Stuart Adams in taking control of the ISA's orbital weapons platform, using its ordnance on the main ISA fortress in the city, flattening the fortress and causing massive collateral damage to the city, although not destroying it completely. This left the helpless civilian population to be ruthlessly slaughtered by the Helghast troops in a fit of genocidal fury. In addition, the city itself was further devastated in the first hours of the war due to the Helghast's indiscriminate use of heavy weaponry against the Vektan humans.

However, Helghast control of the city was severely reduced after reinforced, re-equipped, and reinvigorated ISA forces mounted vicious counterattacks in attempts to retake the city. In the later days of the Vektan conflict, the ruined city was turned into a full-scale war zone as the ISA and the remains of the Third Army fought for control. Eventually, the Helghast Third Army was forced into total retreat, abandoning the city and other captured territory, while any Helghast remnants were hunted down and killed or captured. When the conflict on Vekta subsided, the ISA began rebuilding Vekta, taking at least 6 years to do so.

Post-Second Extrasolar War

Following the ISA counter-invasion and subsequent devastation of Helghan, the ISA offered the Helghast survivors of Helghan's devastation refuge some time after the conflict subsided. Towering walls separate the cities and communities of the Vektan and Helghast people, with both living starkly contrasting lives on either side of the walls. The Vektans live in a well designed urban landscape with clean energy devices such as water falls to provide power to many buildings and a sprawling railway system crosses the city.

The Helghast live in sprawling mobile dormitories that circle many factories. Tensions are constantly high in areas bordering these walls, with one of the main points of violence being the border areas that separate the ISA and Helghast sections of Vekta City. For their part, the Vektan ISA has stationed several ISA Cruisers on their side of the wall on Vekta City, to monitor and contain any hostile incursions from the Helghast, whom have made similar preparations on their side of the wall.

